4 reasons to de-slouch yourself and sit up tall right now

Ever wonder why you feel so tired after sitting all day? One HUGE factor is the way that you breathe when you're sitting (and very often slouching)

Can you breathe normally when you are slouched over? Try it and see.... Not so much right?! 

CRAZY FACT: Your ability to breathe deeply (aka: your vital lung capacity) drops by 30% when you are slouched over in a weak posture.

Here's the thing: whether you realize it or not you likely spend a significant portion of your day in that position. Your body has adapted to breathing in that position out of necessity, but that doesn't mean its very efficient at it. 

Because your abdomen is compressed your diaphragm can't do it's main task of breathing so other back up muscles in your neck and shoulder have to kick in and pick up the slack.

When it isn't moving freely up and down with every breath your diaphragm isn't able to do one of its key other tasks: massaging your heart and abdominal organs. Bet you didn't know it...

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Learn how to keep your heart healthy and happy at work!

You may not have realized it, but sitting for long hours (especially with weak, slouched posture) can be hard on your heart both physically and energetically. 

Think about it: when you sit down not much is happening in your body so your heart rate and your metabolism slow down a lot. Over time, this can cause:

  • creeping weight gain that is hard to lose
  • swelling or numbness in your legs and feet
  • an increase in blood pressure or cholesterol levels.

Since your body and mind are so inter-connected, being slouched over a keyboard for most of the day can often leave you: foggy in the head, stressed out, low energy, struggling with lack of motivation or inspiration, or heavy with feelings of sadness, apathy, or worry. 

Left unchecked over time this could easily lead to a whole host of issues with your health inside and out! Unfortunately, in people that sit for more than 6 hours everyday the rates of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, insomnia, and even...

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Sit, Stand, and Walk taller: A workshop to de-slouch yourself!

Technology is a staple in our modern lives, which is extremely helpful, but can definitely take a toll on your body.

Spending long hours sitting and working on your computer or phone can easily leave you dealing with:

  • chronic and nagging aches, pains, and tension
  • creeping weight gain that is hard to lose
  • muscles that are getting sleepy and weak from lack of use 
  • the posture of someone twice your age

You may not have realized it, but your mood and energy is strongly influenced by your posture. This means that slouching can:

  • drop your levels of motivation and inspiration
  • increase stress levels or feelings of anxiety, sadness, or worry
  • effect your confidence and outlook on life

Your mind and body are powerfully connected. Which is why strengthening your core muscles so that you sit, stand, and walk taller is super important to your overall health and vitality!

When you hold strong posture you:

Breathe betterlook and feel leaner, have less back and body pain, ...

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3 tips to make self care a lasting habit

So how did the first month of 2020 go for you? 

I'll admit it was kind of a weird month for me, but I'm settling into my groove again now which feels great. 

If you are like me (and most people LOL) you start the year off with big gusto towards your intentions and then things kinda slow down when routine kicks back in. Sound familiar?

And like for so many people having a consistent exercise, yoga, or meditation practice is often part of the plan each year. Was that the case for you? 

If so, here are 3 tips to help you get into the habit of practicing self care more often:

1) Decide how many times a week you want to do the practice and write it in your day planner at the beginning of the week. Note each time you do it throughout the week so you can see if you met your goal by week end.

2) Schedule the sessions into your planner/calendar as a NON-NEGOTIABLE appointment with yourself! You deserve your attention right? YES!!!

3) Set an alarm in your phone to...

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Commit to yourself, your health, and your happiness with the 20/20 Yoga Challenge!

Uncategorized Dec 27, 2019

Are you ready to take action and step into the fullest, brightest version of yourself and take steps towards your big vision for 2020 everyday?

Have you made the choice to make time for yourself everyday to move and strengthen your body, quiet and focus your mind as you simultaneously inspire and uplift your spirit? 

Would you like to have a daily intention setting and gratitude practice to live your life on purpose and embody powerful qualities that will help you take inspired action and BE present everyday?


Then the 20/20 YOGA CHALLENGE is your answer: 20 minutes of Yoga a day, for 20 days to give you all of that AND so much more!

Click here to register at the special early bird rate (save $20) but only until December 30th.

By dedicating 20 minutes a day to YOURSELF for 20 days this online challenge starting January 6th will help you:

  • set clear goals and intentions for the year, the challenge, and your life
  • start or...
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Peek into what 2020 has in store for you with a free guided visualization!

Can you see with crystal clarity what lies ahead for you in 2020?
Join me for a free guided visualization on December 27th at 10am HST/ 12pm PST/ 3pm EST on the Vitality Wellness Facebook Page to help you explore the amazing things that the new year has in store for you to:
Experience the future version of you that has achieved all the goals you desire
Learn how you need to show up everyday to take inspired action and step closer to that reality everyday
Figure out how to recognize and clear blocks that might trip you up along the way
Find out who that version of you is BEing and how you can embody those qualities today through your thoughts, actions, and intentions
Before the clock strikes 12 and the new year and decade begins don’t you owe it to yourself to dream big and explore what 2020 has in store for you?
Commit to making 2020 your best year yet by intentionally dedicating time for yourself...
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Make 2020 the year you stick to your resolutions with the 20/20 YOGA CHALLENGE!

How many times have you set new year's resolutions only to fall off track within a few weeks or even days? Believe me, you are not alone! 

Back in the day when I used to work in gyms, January was packed! People were fired up and ready to start working out, eating better, doing yoga etc etc. But honestly, it never took long for the gym to be back to normal and all the machines to be open again.

Why is that?

There are many reasons why people quit or "fall off the wagon" of new year's resolutions. Here's a few:

1) Lack of accountability: We all start out with the best intentions: to get fit, lose weight, have more energy but when life gets in the way it is really easy to fall back to our old ways. And without the accountability of a buddy or a community this tends to happen pretty quickly.

2) Lack of motivation: Why we do what we do is often just as important as doing it. Many people skip the important step of asking themselves why they are starting the resolution...

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Are your eyes tired and strained at the end of the day? Learn why and what to do!

It turns out that staring out into space is a good thing after all, especially if you work on a computer all day! 

Looking at a screen all day is challenging and tiring for our eyes which can leaving us dealing with computer vision syndrome aka: digital eye strain.

Computer vision syndrome is a new issue that is becoming much more prevalent because of all the time we spend on the computer and can show up as:

  • eyestrain
  • headaches
  • blurred vision
  • dry eyes
  • neck and shoulder pain

Do any or all of these sound familiar to you? Check out this short video on how to prevent computer vision syndrome and keep your eyes healthy!

Looking at a screen is very different than reading off of a page and is significantly more taxing for the eyes. This is because the contrast of the letters to the background is significantly reduced and the glare can make it more difficult to read.

Click here to learn an easy trick to integrate into your workday to reduce eye strain. 

This is...

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Learn a powerful stress busting productivity boosting breathing technique

On a scale of 1-10 what would your average stress level be? What about when you are at work? What about during the holidays?

I remember a time when my stress level was so high that I was waking up in the middle of the night feeling like I was running a marathon: heart pounding, sweating, and feeling intense anxiety.

IT WAS STRAIGHT UP AWFUL, thankfully I knew I had to make a shift and took action to do so! 

Stress is a reality of life: the issue is how high our stress level gets and what we do to manage and reduce it. 

The American Institute of Stress reports that 40% of people say that their job is very or extremely stressful......YIKES! 

And since stress is a known contributor to many health issues and problems including: neck tension, back pain, headaches, digestive issues, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, depression and every major chronic disease it is VITAL that we take action to bring stress levels down.

Thankfully Yoga has a wide variety of tools...

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Thanksgiving sale on Yoga at My Desk Program: Save 40% and get a bonus 20 minute posture consultation

What are you thankful for today?

Today and everyday, I am thankful for my health, my loving partner, my work, my freedom, my supportive community and....YOGA! 

I'm thankful for Yoga because it helps me stay sane, healthy, strong and balanced! 

I'm thankful for Yoga because it is the main tool that I serve my community with and through it am able to help you stay energized, healthy and centered. 

I'm thankful that now through the YOGA AT MY DESK PROGRAM you are now able to access these amazingly powerful tools anytime, anywhere! 

In honor of Thanksgiving, I am excited to announce that I am opening enrollment from Nov 26th until December 3rd only to offer this special deal:

40% off of the Annual Membership plus a special thank you bonus of a 

20 Minute Posture Consultation (using a specialized Posture App) to customize the program for you to maximize your results (valued at $97)!

This year wouldn't you like to handle the stress of the holiday season...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!