Why Is It So Hard to Celebrate Yourself?

The Challenge of Celebrating Yourself: Navigating the Path to Self-Acknowledgment

In a world that often celebrates achievements and milestones, it seems paradoxical that many struggle with the simple act of celebrating themselves. Yet, the truth is, self-celebration can be one of the most challenging endeavors we undertake. Why is it so difficult to pat ourselves on the back and revel in our own successes?

Firstly, societal norms play a significant role. We're often taught humility from a young age, which can sometimes translate into downplaying our accomplishments. We fear being seen as boastful or arrogant if we openly acknowledge our triumphs. This cultural conditioning can lead to a reluctance to shine a spotlight on ourselves, even when we've worked hard and achieved something meaningful.

Moreover, self-doubt and imposter syndrome frequently rear their heads. Despite external validation or tangible evidence of success, we may still harbor inner doubts about our abilities and...

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The Art of Bounce-Back-Ability: 4 Loving Lessons in Resilience

The call them "life changing experiences" for a reason don't they? Those moments that shake us to our core and potentially change the very fabric of who we are. 

Interestingly, those are the moment in which we both need and develop resiliency. 

While others define it as your ability to handle a challenge, in my book The Warrior's Journey: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Entrepreneur I propose a new definition: bounce-back-ability!

The fine, but not so delicate art of picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and continuing on.

Let's be real: life and entrepreneurship certainly give us A LOT of these!

From the stress of all the technology, to attracting new leads, running launches, serving your clients the to-do list can feel like its never ending.

Especially for solopreneurs or those of us with small (but mighty and growing) teams, it's incredibly important to learn how to:

Connect With Other Like Minded Entrepreneurs: Having a support system of people around...

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PODCAST: From Highly Sensitive To Highly Successful

What does abundance mean to you?

To me it means a connection to all that is so you're tapped into the frequency of flow!

Flow of what? You decide!

I love being in the flow of creativity, fun, joy, opportunities, and more....

All in the energy of yes please and thankfulness!

Which is exactly what I chatted with my friend Elaine Starling about on her podcast: The Abundance Journey which you can listen to from the link in the comments here.

I hope it gets you into the flow of so much magic for NOW-vember (because what better time to do that than NOW!!).

Happy listening

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The dark cloud of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are a special breed, that is for sure! It turns out that amongst the entrepreneurial community there is a very high prevalence of mental health challenges....so why aren't more people talking about that?  

That is the focus of today's episode, so let's jump into this week's vlog here! 

Make sure to grab the special gift of the Energy Fix Blueprint to use any time you need to ground and center yourself right here. 

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Thrive and Feel Your Best!

Check out my recent feature on Go Solo an awesome website for entrepreneurs all about helping you to:

Thrive and Feel Your Best

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PODCAST: From Anxious and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized!

Recently, on the You Can Overcome ANYTHING Podcast I shared my story of going from Anxious, Depressed and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized with host Cesar Espino.

You can listen to the episode here! Cesar and I talked candidly about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, plus I shared lots of tools and techniques that I use to navigate them.


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3 reasons connecting to your BIG WHY everyday will help grow your business!


Ready to break the pattern of always feeling stuck in your business?

Is it time for you to smash the glass ceiling and get yourself and your business to the next level so you can help more people, have more impact on the world and generate more revenue?

FANTASTIC! Then you're definitely gonna want to check this out! Because in this week's free Thursday Training I'm sharing 3 reasons connecting to your inspiration and motivation will actually help you boost your bottom line!

Inspired and ready for action? Grab my brand new FREE mini practice to ALIGN and ENERGIZE your body and mind in 3 easy but super powerful steps! 

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PR Secrets of Entrepreneurs with Lisa Buyer

As a purpose driven entrepreneur you are on a mission to share you message and reach more people, which is FANTASTIC!!
That means it is absolutely essential that you are including PR as part of your business building strategy to get connected with new communities and opportunities.
To help you with that, I'm so honored to share my conversation with PR Expert Lisa Buyer where she share's gold about optimize your content on Facebook, as well as making sure your pitches are appealing and user friendly. 
She also share several of the common PR mistakes that too many entrepreneurs make, and what you can do instead!
Ready to optimize, socialize, and publicize your brand to the top? Grab Lisa’s generous gift of: Social PR Secrets Book here.
Learn more about Lisa here.
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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!