Cultivate Calm and Focused Energy On Demand!

Uncategorized Dec 22, 2022

Did you know that within all of us, there lies a Warrior? 

Maybe you didn’t know… or maybe that Warrior has been at rest a little too long. 

Right now is the time to Wake The Warrior Within… and when you do, you'll unlock the secret to feeling ALIVE and VIBRANT in your body again!

Are you ready? 

  • To use tools that help you navigate your thoughts with ease and be laser focused so you get more done?
  • To have the 3 keys to a meaningful morning routine you love that leaves you joyfully energized?  
  • To harness your energy to show up as the Purposeful Powerhouse you truly are?


If you’re ready, join us.

I’m hosting a free 3 part LIVE workshop series for purpose-driven women on January 16, 18, and 20th at 11am PST/ 2pm EST.

>>> Sign up here <<<

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3 Questions to Make More Your Morning More Meaningful

Wanna know the 3 questions I start each day with?

They're simple, but actually quite profound and are actually the keys to creating a meaningful morning routine. MAGIC!!

We'll be diving lots deeper into this at my free live workshop series starting soon, but more on that below! 

SIDE NOTE: In case you hate waking up early or aren't a morning person, have no fear because these questions are NOT time sensitive.

IE: You DO NOT have to ask them at 5 am everyday for them to do you any good. LOL

So here they are:

1) Where am I going? This will help you determine how to head in the direction of your goals...rather than away from them. This will be your north star to focus on as you expand the vision for what is possible for you.

2) Who do I want to be today? This question will guide you on how can you show up and what qualities you get to activate within yourself to get there. After you determine this, you can use your Yoga practice or workout...

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Got 2 minutes? Then check out my Fasterclass Masterclass!

GOT 2 MINUTES? Then you've got time for my free FASTERCLASS MASTERCLASS!

In just 120 seconds you'll learn the 3 keys to a more Meaningful and Empowered Morning Routine, yes please!

Check it out here

Make sure to grab my free gift and check out all the other awesome classes while you're there!

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Avoid the Ugly Sweater, Ugly Cry Meltdown this Year!


The truth is: the holidays are a mixed bag of emotions and experiences. 

Some days you’re jingling all the way and others it’s BAH HUMBUG all over the place. 

Am I right? 

So how do you navigate them with the stealth of one of Santa’s reindeer zipping thru the sky? 

One idea is:

Make sure each day you have time for you. Move your body in a way that feels good. Set your intentions for how you want to feel and show up. 


Connect to the Warrior within you who knows you’ve got the tools to get through this season gracefully. 

To help you do that, I'm excited to invite you to the 12 Days of Power Pause starting December 1st!

Where in just one minute a day you'll be able to press pause on the BUSY BUSY BUSY and avoid the UGLY CRY, UGLY SWEATER meltdown this year with a tool or move you can do anywhere

Make sure to get signed up for free because each day I'll be giving away an AH-mazing prize like retreat...

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Get into Gratitude All Month Long With This Free Series!

Join me for my free THANKFUL THURSDAYS series running every Thursday in November!

Each week I'll share a short (1 minute or less!!) "Power Pause" Video on my:




Where you'll learn an easy technique to get into gratitude AND get a special Give Back Gift from me for playing along!

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PODCAST: From Anxious and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized!

Recently, on the You Can Overcome ANYTHING Podcast I shared my story of going from Anxious, Depressed and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized with host Cesar Espino.

You can listen to the episode here! Cesar and I talked candidly about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, plus I shared lots of tools and techniques that I use to navigate them.


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EXHALE Live Virtual Wellness Retreat happening October 1st

If you're a high-achiever who's been doing all of the things, working non-stop, mind-spinning all night, and running on empty...you're definitely not alone.

We live in a world of GO GO GO, hustle hard, and wearing BUSY like a badge of honor. And we both know that pace is NOT sustainable, nor is it what you signed up for.

The good news is, this does not have to be the norm for you.

Because I'm going to show you exactly how to hit the reset button with 1 powerful day of pause with the EXHALE Retreat happening Saturday October 1st @10am PST/ 1pm EST.  Click HERE for info!


It's time for you to DITCH THE BURNOUT FOR GOOD so you can actually achieve more with WAY less effort when you're feeling AH-mazing...  


Just imagine how BLISSED OUT and INCREDIBLE you’ll feel after this immersive and interactive virtual experience to enjoy:

> Yoga sessions to stretch out all the cranky, achy kinks in your body so you're...

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Watch my SpeakerSlam entry on creating an IMPACT!

Not sure if you know this about me but I LOVE empowering and inspiring people! 

One of my favorite ways to do that is through speaking, which is why I'm SO excited to share with you that:

I'm a contestant in SpeakerSlam (a global speaking competition) on the theme of IMPACT.

My talk dropped today and it would mean to much to me if you checked it out here. After you have please make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel.

If you feel inspired thanks SO much for sharing it on your social media

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!