Why Is It So Hard to Celebrate Yourself?

The Challenge of Celebrating Yourself: Navigating the Path to Self-Acknowledgment

In a world that often celebrates achievements and milestones, it seems paradoxical that many struggle with the simple act of celebrating themselves. Yet, the truth is, self-celebration can be one of the most challenging endeavors we undertake. Why is it so difficult to pat ourselves on the back and revel in our own successes?

Firstly, societal norms play a significant role. We're often taught humility from a young age, which can sometimes translate into downplaying our accomplishments. We fear being seen as boastful or arrogant if we openly acknowledge our triumphs. This cultural conditioning can lead to a reluctance to shine a spotlight on ourselves, even when we've worked hard and achieved something meaningful.

Moreover, self-doubt and imposter syndrome frequently rear their heads. Despite external validation or tangible evidence of success, we may still harbor inner doubts about our abilities and...

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Lessons Learned: Ancient Wisdom For The Modern Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship: the lesson in personal development you didn’t know you needed. Am I right? At least it was for me and many other business owners that I know.

The ups and downs are real, but so are the growth and lessons you get along the way.

In this episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast we’re talking all about:

  • timeless invaluable ancient wisdom that is applicable for every entrepreneur on their journey
  • a captivating story of a Warrior that will change your perspective on Yoga and life
  • finding the energetic balance between doing and being for sustainable success and happiness
  • how following your unique path will help you develop trust, strength, and adaptability  


Also!! Help us celebrate 4 years of growth, connection, and impact in the Energized and Empowered Entrepreneur Community!

Join us to win your chance to feature your business, access exclusive birthday deals, and join us to brainstorm ideas at the wrap up Streamline Your Strategies...

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10 Tips To Help You Be The CEO Of Your Life And Business!

As a purpose entrepreneur on a mission to make an impact it can be really easy to get caught up in the cycle of seeking success but sacrificing your health and happiness.

The key? Recognize yourself as the boss of your own life and define success in your own terms. 

Which is what we explored in the latest episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

Want a head start with 10 powerful tips to help you to do that? Here you go:

1. Recognize Yourself as the CEO of Your Life: You are in control of your life and your body, just like a CEO is in control of a company. This mindset is a powerful tool for self-empowerment, allowing you to take full command of your life.

2. Reflect on Your Understanding of Success: Your perceptions of success are shaped by your experiences and observations. Understanding your definition of success, especially in terms of happiness and job satisfaction, is crucial in carving your unique path towards achievement.

3. Set Your 'North...

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The Art of Bounce-Back-Ability: 4 Loving Lessons in Resilience

The call them "life changing experiences" for a reason don't they? Those moments that shake us to our core and potentially change the very fabric of who we are. 

Interestingly, those are the moment in which we both need and develop resiliency. 

While others define it as your ability to handle a challenge, in my book The Warrior's Journey: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Entrepreneur I propose a new definition: bounce-back-ability!

The fine, but not so delicate art of picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and continuing on.

Let's be real: life and entrepreneurship certainly give us A LOT of these!

From the stress of all the technology, to attracting new leads, running launches, serving your clients the to-do list can feel like its never ending.

Especially for solopreneurs or those of us with small (but mighty and growing) teams, it's incredibly important to learn how to:

Connect With Other Like Minded Entrepreneurs: Having a support system of people around...

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Taking Control of Your Energy and Mind: The 3 Pillars to Being a Purposeful Powerhouse

Have you ever wondered why some business owners seem to have it all together and success flowing on autopilot?

I certainly did. I struggled for a long time, trying every strategy, hoping all over the place with my offers, not really sure what I was doing. I was the burnt out, exhausted epitome of what I now call "The Worn Out Entrepreneur". 

That is until I uncovered 3 questions that hands down absolutely changed my life! I dive deep into these in my podcast episode Taking Control of Your Energy and Mind: The 3 Pillars to Being a Purposeful Powerhouse which you can listen to here.

But here's a run down them if you're ready to get off the stress express and become the Purposeful Powerhouse CEO that you truly are: 

Question 1: What Are You No Longer Available For?

You've got to know what you're ready to leave behind before you can actually do so. Gently explore what thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions you are committing to stopping. Make a list and go into...

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Free Training: Align Your Self Care and Launch Strategies To Sell Out Your Programs

Ready to Sell Out Your Launches Without Exhausting Yourself?

You are the driving force in your business, which means self-care isn't a luxury; it's an essential necessity!

Skip the frantic, frazzled, and on the verge of a freak out "Worn Out Entrepreneur" vibes and get 3 game-changing secrets to aligning your self-care and launch strategies so you:

🌟Show up vibrantly energized and magnetic

🌟Shine with authentic confidence

🌟Keep your energy up from cart open to close (avoid the dreaded crash after)

So you achieve your goals by making self care your secret tool to success!

Your business deserves a Purposeful Powerhouse CEO leader, and that starts with YOU.

It's happening live in my free Energized and Empowered Entrepreneurs Facebook group which you can join here

Let's transform the way you launch!

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Check out my Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

Join us as we dive into the debut episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

This podcast is all about gaining mastery over your mind and body, becoming the CEO of your health, life, and business.

In addition to helping you to overcome high-functioning anxiety and take control of your health, this show will move beyond positive thinking to make substantial shifts in your life, using effective and incredible tools like Yoga and Mental Fitness. I'm so excited to welcome you to this podcast community!

The Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast is your resource for vibrant holistic health, anxiety management, and tools for sustainable success as an online entrepreneur. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Listen here!

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Living on the GO GO GO: 4 Common Mistakes Keeping Entrepreneurs Anxious

Are you making these super common mistakes too that may be unknowingly driving up your anxiety and stress levels? The truth is many "Worn-Out Entrepreneurs" are!

I've been there myself and I see many of my clients doing these things as well, which is why I know them so well. I dive deep into them in this brand new episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast which you can check out here.

But here they are a quick glance: 

1) Powering through long hours of work telling yourself it will wear you out so you can sleep better tonight. Anxiety overdrive, that relentless cycle of stress and exhaustion, often leaves entrepreneurs feeling like captains of the Stress Express.

However, this approach only leads to increased stress and burnout, preventing us from reaching that resilient, connected awareness—the sweet spot between action and relaxation.

2) The All-or-Nothing Approach: Entrepreneurs are often drawn to the latest strategies and lifestyle...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!