Strut Through Summer Live Brainstorming Session

Strut Through Summer Feeling Strong And Sexy!

Join Us For A Live & Interactive Session To:

Streamline Your Summer Self Care (To Just 30 Minutes Or Less A Day) So You Can Stay Energized & Happy All Summer Long!

May 23 @2pm PST | 60 Minutes

Get registered here

As The Temperatures Heat Up, Make Sure You Keep Your Cool...With A Movement Routine That's Fast And Fun (But Still Gets Lots Done!)

Join us for this live brainstorming session if you're:
sick of not having any consistency in your routines and are ready to get intentional by using a game-changing tool that the most successful CEO's use

are ready for proven way to boost your focus, productivity, & joy by 72% with the 3 keys to amplify your morning routine in 30 minutes or less

looking for a crazy simple (but super effective) way to break the habits of self sabotage (in just 15 minutes a day!) that you've probably never heard of before!

Create Your Own Personalized Plan To Enjoy Your Summer & Go Strutting Into...

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Don't Make This Mistake In Your Workouts!

Are you making this mistake in your workouts?

With all the push up and squat challenges flying around the internet having people do 1000’s of reps in a day I’ve gotta share something with you.

If you’re doing those exercises without doing this first not only are you likely not getting as much out of them but you could be putting yourself at risk for injury.

So what am I talking about?

Warm-ing up your backside. Yes, specifically your booty when it comes to your leg workouts but also the whole back side of your body. 

It’s VITAL! Why? Well the reality of our modern life is we all sit (ahem slouch a lot…in fact you may even be doing both right now…or at least until you read that.

All this inactivity can cause the muscles on the back of your body to get sleepy from lack of use. Hello…Sleeping Booty! Technically its, called gluteal amnesia, but you get the idea. All that sitting can cause it to drift off into a deep slumber and...

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EXHALE Live Virtual Wellness Retreat happening March 4th

If you're a high-achiever who's been doing all of the things, working non-stop, mind-spinning all night, and running on empty...you're definitely not alone.

It's time for a TIME OUT so you can press pause on the GO GO GO hustle and finally EXHALE!

Just imagine how BLISSED OUT and INCREDIBLE you’ll feel after this immersive and interactive virtual retreat experience happening Saturday October 1st after you've enjoyed:

Yoga sessions to stretch out all the cranky, achy kinks in your body so you're feeling strong and centered

Breath work to bring you into a deep state of peace and calm

Meditations and visualizations to light you up with the inspiration and clarity you crave

The tools you need to cultivate calm and focus on command

Sign up here

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NEW Strong and Steady Workshop!

What are you doing to keep your brain healthy?
Maybe you've never been asked that before or even considered it....
I certainly hadn't until my Grandmother was diagnosed with dementia.
But after she was, the thought of not having my memories, recognizing my loved ones, or knowing myself terrified me and sent me on a mission.
I went on a mission to learn what can be done to keep your brain healthy and sharp for as long as possible!
And guess what I learned?
That one of the most powerful ways to keep your brain sharp (and your heart and body healthy at the same time which is a HUGE plus) is a combination of both physical and mental exercise!
Wanna learn how to do a workout that will help you keep your brain and body healthy and strong for decades to come?
Then join me on Tuesday for the STRONG & STEADY workshop to learn how to:
Do a workout that will get your heart pumping and your...
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Free workshop to help you: WAKE THE WARRIOR WITHIN starting June 14th!

Have you tried every manifestation, visualization, and affirmation trick in the book and still not where you want to be (yet)?

Maybe feeling stuck and frustrated is getting really old and you’re so damn ready to stop faking it til you make it and actually BECOME the version of yourself that your dreams need you to be?

You know you need to BE in alignment with your desires, BE thinking the thoughts that will help you get there, BE doing the things to get you closer and maybe you are every once a while or maybe you do but it kinda feels like a costume you put on or a role that you play.

So what if you had a time tested way to not just step into that version of yourself but one that actually helped you become that badass, powerful, courageous Warrior version of yourself? WELL GOOD NEWS FRIEND, THERE IS ONE AND IT'S ONE YOU ALREADY LOVE........YOGA!

And I’m gonna be sharing ALL about it in the free WAKE THE WARRIOR WITHIN workshop series!

Save your spot here...

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Need a pick me up? Try this!!


Wanna know a surefire way to feel strong, present, and powerful? Stop, drop, and do WARRIOR TWO! 

For real...within a couple breaths you will feel all of that and more. Check it out for yourself in today's Monday Middays with Megan session!! 


Then join me next week for a FREE WAKE THE WARRIOR WITHIN workshop series!! 

If you are so ready to awaken new awareness, clarity, and determination so you feel invigorated and unstoppable by allowing you to intentionally align:

Your BODY to feel strong, centered, and powerful

Your MIND to your vibrant confidence, authentic truth and inspired mission

Your SPIRIT to a deep inner knowing, connection, and trust

Then head right over HERE and save your spot if you haven't already!! 

Can't wait for you to join us on this journey into the incredible Warrior poses that will help you stand in...

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Wanna boost your mental and physical firepower? Start in the morning!

As we round the corner into 2021 many people have new years resolutions on the brain. Regardless of what's on your list this year, accomplishing any of it depends on you.

Your goals depend on YOU. On how you feel. On your choices. On who and what you believe yourself to be. 

So once you've decided on your goals for the year, ask yourself: How does the version of me that has achieved those things show up in life? What are their priorities? What are some key characteristics of their personality that helped them achieve these things? 

Because you see my friend, we need to start from that place. As Stephen Covey said: "we need to begin with the end in mind".

And since that is the end result you are wanting to achieve, asking yourself those key questions is a great place to start. 

I bet that version of you makes it a point to:

  • keep their body strong a healthy
  • prioritize how they feel on every level of mind, body, and spirit
  • get centered in their best self and show up...
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3 reasons you need a morning routine (even if you don't think you have time for one!)

How does your day start? Do you grab your phone and start scrolling to find out what happened over night?

Do you make some coffee and head right to your desk and start working on your TO DO list?

OR......Do you have your routine dialed in and you start your day with a routine that makes you feel great from the inside out?

While your life likely looks and feels nothing like it did at this point last year and daily routine has probably shifted SO much in the last year, there's one thing for sure:

How you start your day will drastically effects how it unfolds.

There's many reasons the most successful and happy people credit their morning routine for the quality of their lives, because having one is a total game changer! 

In fact there's a long list of science backed reasons why a morning routine is helpful but here's 3 ways that I and many others make this time a non negotiable part of the day:

1) It gives you more time. Here's the thing: taking time to take care of...

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Ready to revitalize your routine?

Ready to go from having “no time” to exercise to making it an essential part of your day that you love and look forward to?

I know you've got a lot going on right now which means that in order for you to show up and shine as your amazing self you gotta take care of YOU too!

Believe me: I know it's hard not to grab your phone and start the scroll first thing in the morning. I mean what if you missed something important while you were asleep?

BUT HERE'S THE THING:  if you’re always saying yes to everyone else and not to yourself it's a surefire recipe for burnout.

Trust me, I’ve been there! Which is why I'm on a mission to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. I was burnt out, anxious, and didn’t think I had it in me to keep going, but I did, once I committed to making my health and happiness a priority.

Because the reality is you may already be dealing with stress, headaches, exhaustion, aches and pains all over, and creeping weight gain. Or...

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Go from uninspired to motivated with the free mini workshop series!

Has navigating the craziness that is 2020 got you feeling all the feels and kinda uninspired and unmotivated? Yep I can relate.

No one knew that 2020 would unfold like this and let's be honest: it is taking some serious gusto and resilience to keep moving forward.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have way to recharge your energy, revitalize your spirit, and refresh yourself? Definitely!

What about a way to access more strength, determination, and courage so you can keep taking action? Yes please!

Well lemme tell ya.....I've got something that can help!!

Join me next week for a free workshop series to step into and full embody your most: ALIGNED, ENERGIZED, and EMPOWERED self!

Why should you join us for this? Well my friend, this is definitely not gonna be just any old Yoga challenge.......

Wanna know why? Because we're going on a journey.

Guided by the most powerful, brave, and determined Warrior that will teach you how to unlock the power of the Yoga practice and TRULY put it use for you...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!