4 Core Elements Of Breaking Free From Anxiety

Anxiety got you spinning in circles stealing your time, energy, and joy?

Then listen to this episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast to learn the 4 core elements the Mindful Strength Method to help you break free from anxiety and take control of your life and health.

In today’s episode we’ll dive into the 4 core elements that will help you:

  • Get intentional by using a game-changing tool that the most successful CEO's use 
  • Boost your focus, productivity, & joy by 72%
  • Learn the funnest way to stay in aligned energy all day that helps you tap into pure joy fast
  • Overcome anxiety and learn to use your mind as the powerful tool it is (in just 15 minutes a day!) 

Click here to listen to the episode

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Keep Your Brain Young and Sharp!

As a business owner with a million things on your plate strengthening the muscles of your mind might be the last thing on your mind....

But keeping your brain young and sharp is essential for your overall health, focus, happiness, productivity and more!

Check out this super simple move you can do to strengthen a key mental muscle that you can do anywhere FAST to tap into calm and clarity.

Watch this weeks  Work It Wednesday video here!

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The most powerful tool to stop stress in it's tracks!

Feel like you're constantly on a speeding train of CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP which is leaving you stressed out and exhausted?  

Despite feeling like you're busy all day it doesn't feel like you're actually getting anything done?  Then you're going to love today's video!   

In this video you'll learn: 

  • The power of the PAUSE 
  • How slowing down actually helps you speed up  
  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to take a Power Pause  

Click here to watch it

Make sure to grab the free Energy Fix Blueprint to use during your next Power Pause!

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You deserve to get to the top of YOUR mountain!

As Rumi said: the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
But often that first step forward feels the most uncertain or awkward...am I right? Especially if you have no freaking clue where you're going or how to get there!
This is why, in the Out of Pain and Into Power workshop I hosted the other day I asked everyone what "their mountain" was.
Sure, it may be an actual mountain that they want to climb but for many people it was something else: like traveling the world, playing with their kids.
Truly, what I was getting at was is the DEEP WHY getting out of pain is ESSENTIAL.
Yes, it just DOWNRIGHT sucks to hurt.
Which is of course a huge part of the reason why I want you to get out of pain!
But truthfully, the weak, slouched posture that can cause the pain is also stealing your time, your joy, your energy, and your focus. 
When it does this, your mountain starts to feel really far away and...

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PODCAST FEATURE: Get sh*t done & have more fun!

WOW! It was definitely a great honor to speak at the Vancouver branch of the Entrepreneurs International Network recently! 

In this live presentation I talked about how important it is that business owners take care of ourselves so we can: “Get sh*t done & have more fun "!

Check out this talk if you want high energy all day long, you’re SO ready to get rid of brain fog and afternoon energy slumps or if you want to de-slouch yourself to carry yourself with more confidence and strength.

You’ll also learn how making your health and happiness a priority is essential for business success and will help you get more done with less stress.

*Side note: the title was NOT my idea, but it's kinda funny isn't it?


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4 tips for working remotely to help you keep your mind sane and your body healthy

The events of the last few weeks have meant major changes for all of us, to say the least! To minimize our contact with others and hopefully slow down and lessen the effects of the corona virus we are now being asked to distance ourselves socially.

And for many of us, this has meant the shift to working remotely from home. As someone who has been doing this for awhile already I would love to offer you some tips to make the best of this experience to keep your mind sane and your body healthy including taking Yoga Breaks throughout the day!

Tip #1: Set up a dedicated work space

No, you can't work from the couch or the bed, you need to be able to sit or stand up properly (ie: stay awake)! This means setting up a dedicated work space at a desk or table so that you can stay upright, alert, and actually get things done. 

Find a spot with good lighting, a proper chair and a surface area so you can lay out all the tools you need: computer, notepad, water, phone etc etc.

Bonus tip:...

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Deep Breaths for Less Stress Workshop

ARE YOU STRESSED? If you are like 50% of the population you just might be.

Stress, it seems, has become an epidemic, with many of you reporting in our recent survey that you feel stressed out at work more often than you would like. 

But what can you do when you are dealing with long to do lists at home and at work, chronic tension draining your energy and no end in sight?

The mistake many people make is just to push through, drink more coffee, and take "unnecessary things" like exercise and mediation off the list of things to do.

It turns out that continually making this mistake is not only costly to productivity and happiness but can potentially be risky to your health. 

Because it lowers immune function, increases chronic tension and increases blood pressure and cholesterol, stress is implicated in every major chronic disease from IBS, to heart disease, to obesity, to diabetes and cancer. 

Ironically, the hustle and bustle pace of our busy lives means that...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!