Stop Managing Anxietyā€”Itā€™s Time to Rewire It for Good

For years, I thought anxiety was something I just had to manage. Deep breaths, journaling, mindset work—I tried it all. And while those things helped for a moment, the anxiety always came back. I’d still wake up exhausted before the day even started. My mind still ran in endless loops of overthinking, self-doubt, and what-ifs.

What I didn’t realize? Anxiety isn’t just in your head. It’s in your nervous system.

If you feel like anxiety keeps running the show—like no matter how much you try to “calm down,” your body won’t cooperate—it’s not because you’re doing something wrong. Your nervous system is stuck in overdrive. And until you shift it at the source, you’ll keep feeling drained, overwhelmed, and on edge.

But here’s the good news: You don’t have to stay in survival mode. You can rewire your nervous system so calm becomes your natural state. You can wake up feeling clear, grounded, and in...

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3 Reasons Morning Routines Are Great For You & Your Business

In a world where hustle culture reigns supreme, it's easy to forget the importance of self-care. But here's a secret: your morning routine might just be the game-changer your business needs.

Join us as we dive into the magical world of morning rituals and discover why they're not just a luxury, but a necessity for every entrepreneur.

Here's what you'll uncover in this episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse podcast:

  1. Boost Your Productivity: Did you know that a well-crafted morning routine can supercharge your productivity by up to 72%? We'll show you how to harness this incredible ROI to tackle your to-do list with ease and efficiency.

  2. Live with Intention: Say goodbye to drifting through your days on autopilot. Morning routines empower you to seize each moment with purpose and intention, allowing you to show up as your best and brightest self in both life and business.

  3. Navigate Stress Like a Pro: In a world where burnout and stress levels are skyrocketing, your morning routine...

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Stress Less: Virtual Workshop

As we navigate this unprecedented time and ever changing work arrangements, people around the world are reporting higher stress levels than ever. 

And while stress shows up differently in people, it has very similar effects for many such as:

  • tension, pain, headaches
  • difficulty focusing, making decisions, and being forgetful
  • irritability, insomnia, low energy
  • shock, with-drawl, anxiety, depression

Coupled with the fact that chronic stress is a major risk for illness and mental health challenges, it is absolutely essential that your team has the tools that they need to lower stress levels naturally!

Empower yourself with practical and research backed techniques to stress less with this virtual workshop:

STRESS LESS: Tools and Techniques You Can Use Anywhere 


This virtual workshop will help you understand stress, know exactly how to reduce it, and what to do today to build inner resilience to promote a deep sense of calm and ease.


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Stay connected with your team with online Yoga Sessions!

With the onset of the global pandemic of COVID-19, to say our lives have changed drastically is an understatement. Most of the world is being asked to stay at home, maintain distance from others when out in public, and maintain high standards of hygiene to slow the spread of the virus.

Likely millions of others, you may now be working from home which is a big shift to your daily routine and schedule. And for now this is a key part that you can play to help flatten the curve and reduce the number of people worldwide that are impacted. 

During this unprecedented time, it is vital that you do everything you can to stay healthy by keeping your immune system up and your stress levels down! While you know I am always a huge advocate for self care, I am suggesting that you kick those efforts into overdrive immediately and over these coming weeks.

Here's some ideas to help you with that: 

  • Journal: express your emotions and get clear on how you are feeling
  • Practice Gratitude:...
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Try this powerful Yoga tool for stress relief!


You've probably heard that Yoga has lots of tools for stress relief right? IT DOES! 

But if you are feeling so stressed out that your mind is running a mile a minute and your TO-DO list stretches into next month it can be very difficult to sit and meditate.

I can totally relate to that and so can many of my clients! And if that sounds at all familiar to you too I have a powerful tool to share with you called Lotus Mudra.               


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Yikes: here's how years of slouching may impact the human body

I'd like to introduce you to someone! Have you met Emma? She is the colleague of the future or what someone is predicted to look like after 20 years of office work.......


It might look like a joke but it isn't. This model was created based on the input of 3000 office workers in the UK, Germany, and France and what they are dealing with currently. They mentioned things that probably sound familiar, such as: 

back pain, neck tension, headaches, eye strain, weight gain, stress, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin issues, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

Based on all the info that was shared the researchers created Emma: the colleague of the future.

Doesn't look good does it? Doesn't feel good either since she is predicted to have: a permanently rounded back, carry extra weight, have varicose veins, eye problems, headaches, high cholesterol, insulin sensitivity, and a...

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Learn a powerful stress busting productivity boosting breathing technique

On a scale of 1-10 what would your average stress level be? What about when you are at work? What about during the holidays?

I remember a time when my stress level was so high that I was waking up in the middle of the night feeling like I was running a marathon: heart pounding, sweating, and feeling intense anxiety.

IT WAS STRAIGHT UP AWFUL, thankfully I knew I had to make a shift and took action to do so! 

Stress is a reality of life: the issue is how high our stress level gets and what we do to manage and reduce it. 

The American Institute of Stress reports that 40% of people say that their job is very or extremely stressful......YIKES! 

And since stress is a known contributor to many health issues and problems including: neck tension, back pain, headaches, digestive issues, weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, depression and every major chronic disease it is VITAL that we take action to bring stress levels down.

Thankfully Yoga has a wide variety of tools...

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Thanksgiving sale on Yoga at My Desk Program: Save 40% and get a bonus 20 minute posture consultation

What are you thankful for today?

Today and everyday, I am thankful for my health, my loving partner, my work, my freedom, my supportive community and....YOGA! 

I'm thankful for Yoga because it helps me stay sane, healthy, strong and balanced! 

I'm thankful for Yoga because it is the main tool that I serve my community with and through it am able to help you stay energized, healthy and centered. 

I'm thankful that now through the YOGA AT MY DESK PROGRAM you are now able to access these amazingly powerful tools anytime, anywhere! 

In honor of Thanksgiving, I am excited to announce that I am opening enrollment from Nov 26th until December 3rd only to offer this special deal:

40% off of the Annual Membership plus a special thank you bonus of a 

20 Minute Posture Consultation (using a specialized Posture App) to customize the program for you to maximize your results (valued at $97)!

This year wouldn't you like to handle the stress of the holiday season...

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3 Ways That Being Stressed Out Slows You Down at Work and in Life (and what to do about it)

Does this sound familiar....?
Alerts pinging you from your email and phone, the world's longest to do list, clients sending in bizarre requests, sessions to be at and others to plan for, with no end in sight. You might even be clocking mad overtime hours and taking your work home with you, giving you no downtime to recover.
Stress at this level can be absolutely crippling to your performance, health, and ultimately your happiness, plus it's one of the biggest threats to work place productivity.
While some stress is helpful because it lights a fire under your booty to motivate you to take action, chronically high levels of stress can lead to burnout, chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Plus, stress is a risk factor for every major chronic disease!
A quarter of all Americans feel that their job is the most stressful part of their life! 
This means that it is absolutely important that we become aware of...
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Stressed to the max at work?

If so, you are definitely not alone and the truth is that way too many people feel this way!

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your health and happiness, yet is something that far too many people deal with on a daily basis simply because they don't yet know what to do to ease the burden.

While some stress is helpful to get us up and motivated to take action, if left unchecked, stress can quickly take a toll on your body and your mind. 

Take my client Emily for example: who when dealing with major family stress developed lower back issues and sciatica pain. Since it is very common for problems to manifest as physical symptoms it was essential that we integrated relaxation techniques plus stretches and exercises to help her feel like herself again and get out of pain. And thankfully she did! 

Far too many people wait until they are in pain or are super stressed to take action because they think they just don't have the time, know how, or...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!