Learning to celebrate yourself..not easy at first, but definitely worth it!

I'm proud of myself. Funny, that wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be to say (or write LOL). Do you find it easy to share your wins? It's definitely still a new skill for me. But I think it's one worth practicing!

And that's what I've been doing lately: practicing what I teach and I'm happy to report its working. I’m learning to celebrate my wins, stay focused on my mission and being very intentional about how I’m showing up so that I’m in alignment with the big vision version of me. 


And guess what?? By doing that work (in addition to lots more) I just wrapped up my best launch yet...woohooo!


Best in terms of:


Connecting with hundreds of new people around the world and welcoming them into my community of Elevated and Empowered Entrepreneurs


Offering awesome workshops that people loved


Welcoming 12 amazing beings into the first round of my new program ELEVATE

But ultimately best in terms of learning to side step...

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