What To Do If You Wake Up Feeling Anxious

Understanding Morning Anxiety

That dreaded morning anxiety, where you wake up with your heart pounding and mind racing, can feel like the captain of the stress express has taken control. It’s something I’ve battled with and learned to manage. I discovered that this anxiety is often a symptom of a dysregulated nervous system—a signal that your body needs care.

Recognizing Anxiety as a Signal

Instead of viewing anxiety as a problem, recognize it as a message from your nervous system. This shift in perspective helps you address the root cause rather than just the symptoms. Anxiety often whispers to us through physical sensations. We can address the underlying issues by tuning into these subtle signals before they escalate.

Tools to Manage Anxiety

Here are some practical steps to manage morning anxiety:

  1. Shift Your Language: Instead of saying "I am anxious," say "I am feeling anxious." This small change creates a separation between your identity and feelings, allowing...

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4 Core Elements Of Breaking Free From Anxiety

Anxiety got you spinning in circles stealing your time, energy, and joy?

Then listen to this episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast to learn the 4 core elements the Mindful Strength Method to help you break free from anxiety and take control of your life and health.

In today’s episode we’ll dive into the 4 core elements that will help you:

  • Get intentional by using a game-changing tool that the most successful CEO's use 
  • Boost your focus, productivity, & joy by 72%
  • Learn the funnest way to stay in aligned energy all day that helps you tap into pure joy fast
  • Overcome anxiety and learn to use your mind as the powerful tool it is (in just 15 minutes a day!) 

Click here to listen to the episode

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Launch Rollercoaster Resilience For Online Entrepreneurs

Are you feeling the rollercoaster ride of emotions during your business launches? The stress and anxiety can skyrocket if we're not mindful of our emotional well-being.  


In today’s episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast, we're delving into a candid conversation about the emotional highs and lows that online entrepreneurs experience during launch or promo periods.  


Want to avoid the crash after your cart closes in your next launch? Then hit play and discover:  

  • The 3 common mistakes that many Worn-Out Entrepreneurs make that can exacerbate the stress 
  • Factors contributing to the emotional rollercoaster and how to navigate them 
  • The powerful mindset shift adopted by every Purposeful Powerhouse CEO 

Tune in to gain invaluable insights and strategies for a smoother, more successful launch experience.  


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Living on the GO GO GO: 4 Common Mistakes Keeping Entrepreneurs Anxious

Are you making these super common mistakes too that may be unknowingly driving up your anxiety and stress levels? The truth is many "Worn-Out Entrepreneurs" are!

I've been there myself and I see many of my clients doing these things as well, which is why I know them so well. I dive deep into them in this brand new episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast which you can check out here.

But here they are a quick glance: 

1) Powering through long hours of work telling yourself it will wear you out so you can sleep better tonight. Anxiety overdrive, that relentless cycle of stress and exhaustion, often leaves entrepreneurs feeling like captains of the Stress Express.

However, this approach only leads to increased stress and burnout, preventing us from reaching that resilient, connected awareness—the sweet spot between action and relaxation.

2) The All-or-Nothing Approach: Entrepreneurs are often drawn to the latest strategies and lifestyle...

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Check out my Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

Join us as we dive into the debut episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

This podcast is all about gaining mastery over your mind and body, becoming the CEO of your health, life, and business.

In addition to helping you to overcome high-functioning anxiety and take control of your health, this show will move beyond positive thinking to make substantial shifts in your life, using effective and incredible tools like Yoga and Mental Fitness. I'm so excited to welcome you to this podcast community!

The Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast is your resource for vibrant holistic health, anxiety management, and tools for sustainable success as an online entrepreneur. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Listen here!

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Go From Anxious to AH-mazing With This Free Exclusive Audio Training

Ready to break the cycles of self sabotage in just 15 minutes a day?

Introducing "From Anxious to AH-mazing," a 3-part exclusive free audio training series designed to do that so you can take control of your life and health.

Here's a Sneak Peek of What You'll Discover:

  1. Meet Your Saboteurs: Learn how your mind has been quietly hijacking your superpowers and more importantly, how to regain control.
  2. The Ultimate Tool: Discover the most powerful tool you need to re-wire your brain to make lasting shifts in your life and put an end to frustrating patterns.
  3. Your Roadmap to Success: Gain access to a proven roadmap for a life filled with vibrant vitality, holistic success, and the kind of well-being you've been craving.

It’s time for you to go from Anxious to AH-mazing! Click here to get instant access to this exclusive training series.

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The dark cloud of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are a special breed, that is for sure! It turns out that amongst the entrepreneurial community there is a very high prevalence of mental health challenges....so why aren't more people talking about that?  

That is the focus of today's episode, so let's jump into this week's vlog here! 

Make sure to grab the special gift of the Energy Fix Blueprint to use any time you need to ground and center yourself right here. 

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Free Self Love Truth Summit

❤️If I asked you to name all the things you love, how long would it take to name yourself?
When I first heard that quote it stopped me in my tracks because I realized it would take me a long time. That is until a few years ago when I started to dig into this after realizing that.
I believe self love is a journey we all should embark on that is often more challenging than we expect.
Which is why when I was invited to be part of the Self Love Truth Summit I said YES!
I absolutely want to be part of this beautiful movement of people sharing practical exercises, tips, and advice on to help you fall in move with YOU
If you’re so darn ready for that too you can grab your free ticket here.
Dive deep into this collection of expert interviews to empower you with everything you need for self care, compassion, and confidence!
The summit is in full swing but you can jump in now as my guest here.
Sending you love today and everyday...
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PODCAST: From Anxious and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized!

Recently, on the You Can Overcome ANYTHING Podcast I shared my story of going from Anxious, Depressed and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized with host Cesar Espino.

You can listen to the episode here! Cesar and I talked candidly about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, plus I shared lots of tools and techniques that I use to navigate them.


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PODCAST FEATURE: How to keep our hearts happy

I was so honored to be a guest on the Words of the Heart podcast opening up about my challenges with depression and anxiety and how it navigated through.

Listen to this episode HERE

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!