Boost Your Productivity By 72% With This Tool Used By The Most Successful Entrepreneurs

72% is a VERY significant increase in anything especially when it directly impacts your success, health, and happiness! 

So what is this potent game changer? Exercise in the morning!! 

Not only does it rev up your metabolism, spark your energy, and leave you feeling all sorts of strong and powerful but it helps you show up vibrantly and fully in your business.

That is if you make it part of your meaningful morning routine (find out what that is here)

Morning routines are a staple for some business giants including Oprah Winfrey and Tony Robbins for a good reason: they work! 

They're shown to:

  • Boost your mood and get you tapped into joy 
  • Connect you to your vision and help you take aligned action
  • Help you show up intentionally from a place of purpose and clarity

Ready to make your morning routine more impactful and meaningful? Listen to this new episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast that will help you do just that!


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Taking Control of Your Energy and Mind: The 3 Pillars to Being a Purposeful Powerhouse

Have you ever wondered why some business owners seem to have it all together and success flowing on autopilot?

I certainly did. I struggled for a long time, trying every strategy, hoping all over the place with my offers, not really sure what I was doing. I was the burnt out, exhausted epitome of what I now call "The Worn Out Entrepreneur". 

That is until I uncovered 3 questions that hands down absolutely changed my life! I dive deep into these in my podcast episode Taking Control of Your Energy and Mind: The 3 Pillars to Being a Purposeful Powerhouse which you can listen to here.

But here's a run down them if you're ready to get off the stress express and become the Purposeful Powerhouse CEO that you truly are: 

Question 1: What Are You No Longer Available For?

You've got to know what you're ready to leave behind before you can actually do so. Gently explore what thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions you are committing to stopping. Make a list and go into...

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Free Training: Align Your Self Care and Launch Strategies To Sell Out Your Programs

Ready to Sell Out Your Launches Without Exhausting Yourself?

You are the driving force in your business, which means self-care isn't a luxury; it's an essential necessity!

Skip the frantic, frazzled, and on the verge of a freak out "Worn Out Entrepreneur" vibes and get 3 game-changing secrets to aligning your self-care and launch strategies so you:

🌟Show up vibrantly energized and magnetic

🌟Shine with authentic confidence

🌟Keep your energy up from cart open to close (avoid the dreaded crash after)

So you achieve your goals by making self care your secret tool to success!

Your business deserves a Purposeful Powerhouse CEO leader, and that starts with YOU.

It's happening live in my free Energized and Empowered Entrepreneurs Facebook group which you can join here

Let's transform the way you launch!

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Living on the GO GO GO: 4 Common Mistakes Keeping Entrepreneurs Anxious

Are you making these super common mistakes too that may be unknowingly driving up your anxiety and stress levels? The truth is many "Worn-Out Entrepreneurs" are!

I've been there myself and I see many of my clients doing these things as well, which is why I know them so well. I dive deep into them in this brand new episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast which you can check out here.

But here they are a quick glance: 

1) Powering through long hours of work telling yourself it will wear you out so you can sleep better tonight. Anxiety overdrive, that relentless cycle of stress and exhaustion, often leaves entrepreneurs feeling like captains of the Stress Express.

However, this approach only leads to increased stress and burnout, preventing us from reaching that resilient, connected awareness—the sweet spot between action and relaxation.

2) The All-or-Nothing Approach: Entrepreneurs are often drawn to the latest strategies and lifestyle...

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Check out my Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

Join us as we dive into the debut episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast!

This podcast is all about gaining mastery over your mind and body, becoming the CEO of your health, life, and business.

In addition to helping you to overcome high-functioning anxiety and take control of your health, this show will move beyond positive thinking to make substantial shifts in your life, using effective and incredible tools like Yoga and Mental Fitness. I'm so excited to welcome you to this podcast community!

The Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast is your resource for vibrant holistic health, anxiety management, and tools for sustainable success as an online entrepreneur. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Listen here!

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PODCAST: From Highly Sensitive To Highly Successful

What does abundance mean to you?

To me it means a connection to all that is so you're tapped into the frequency of flow!

Flow of what? You decide!

I love being in the flow of creativity, fun, joy, opportunities, and more....

All in the energy of yes please and thankfulness!

Which is exactly what I chatted with my friend Elaine Starling about on her podcast: The Abundance Journey which you can listen to from the link in the comments here.

I hope it gets you into the flow of so much magic for NOW-vember (because what better time to do that than NOW!!).

Happy listening

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Love to Skip the Holiday Stress And Anxiety This Year? Check This Out!

🌟 Say Hello to Stress Relief in NOW-vember!

Tired of waiting for a fresh start? Why delay your well-being until the New Year when you can take action NOW?

✨ Introducing:

Take a Power Pause – your mini dose of rejuvenation and relaxation to get off the holiday stress express and take control of your life and health!

Running November 1st to 30th, for just $33 you'll get unlimited access to 15-minute Power Pause sessions:

🧘‍♀️ Meditation Monday: Start your week on a tranquil note, setting the tone for the week.

💪 Warrior Wednesdays: Recharge mid-week with renewed focus and inspiration.

🌞 Feel Good Fridays: Unwind and float into the weekend with open arms.

Each session combines breath work, Yoga, toning exercises, stretches, and meditations to calm your mind.

Sessions are live only with no replays, happening on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday @12pm PST/ 3pm EST.

Don't let stress take over your holidays. Be a more relaxed, resilient, and joyful you every day! 🌈

Spots are...

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Go From Anxious to AH-mazing With This Free Exclusive Audio Training

Ready to break the cycles of self sabotage in just 15 minutes a day?

Introducing "From Anxious to AH-mazing," a 3-part exclusive free audio training series designed to do that so you can take control of your life and health.

Here's a Sneak Peek of What You'll Discover:

  1. Meet Your Saboteurs: Learn how your mind has been quietly hijacking your superpowers and more importantly, how to regain control.
  2. The Ultimate Tool: Discover the most powerful tool you need to re-wire your brain to make lasting shifts in your life and put an end to frustrating patterns.
  3. Your Roadmap to Success: Gain access to a proven roadmap for a life filled with vibrant vitality, holistic success, and the kind of well-being you've been craving.

It’s time for you to go from Anxious to AH-mazing! Click here to get instant access to this exclusive training series.

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Don't Make This Mistake In Your Workouts!

Are you making this mistake in your workouts?

With all the push up and squat challenges flying around the internet having people do 1000’s of reps in a day I’ve gotta share something with you.

If you’re doing those exercises without doing this first not only are you likely not getting as much out of them but you could be putting yourself at risk for injury.

So what am I talking about?

Warm-ing up your backside. Yes, specifically your booty when it comes to your leg workouts but also the whole back side of your body. 

It’s VITAL! Why? Well the reality of our modern life is we all sit (ahem slouch a lot…in fact you may even be doing both right now…or at least until you read that.

All this inactivity can cause the muscles on the back of your body to get sleepy from lack of use. Hello…Sleeping Booty! Technically its, called gluteal amnesia, but you get the idea. All that sitting can cause it to drift off into a deep slumber and...

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Tone and Tighten Your Tushy in 5 Weeks

🎉🍑 Tone and Tighten Your Tushy in 5 Weeks 🍑🎉
Let's strut into September together!
How AH-mazing does showing up fully in your life with vibrant energy and focus and seeing incredible ripple effects into all areas of your life and work sound to you?
Why half ass August (😉😂) when you can BOOST YOUR BOOTY and have whole-ass-tic health instead?!
Join us for my brand new holistic health program starting August 1st where you'll get:
🦚 Weekly Live Booty Boostin' Sessions:
Join our enthusiastic booty-boosters in high-energy, live group workout sessions every week (which are recorded and yours to keep).
🦚 Tailored Alignment Analysis:
Discover the key to your vibrant health! Your comprehensive alignment analysis will pinpoint areas that need balance and attention to achieve the results you desire.
🦚 Customized Program Design:
Together we'll craft the ultimate fusion of strength training, flexibility exercises, invigorating yoga...
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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!