Go From Anxious to AH-mazing With This Free Exclusive Audio Training

Ready to break the cycles of self sabotage in just 15 minutes a day?

Introducing "From Anxious to AH-mazing," a 3-part exclusive free audio training series designed to do that so you can take control of your life and health.

Here's a Sneak Peek of What You'll Discover:

  1. Meet Your Saboteurs: Learn how your mind has been quietly hijacking your superpowers and more importantly, how to regain control.
  2. The Ultimate Tool: Discover the most powerful tool you need to re-wire your brain to make lasting shifts in your life and put an end to frustrating patterns.
  3. Your Roadmap to Success: Gain access to a proven roadmap for a life filled with vibrant vitality, holistic success, and the kind of well-being you've been craving.

It’s time for you to go from Anxious to AH-mazing! Click here to get instant access to this exclusive training series.

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The most powerful tool to stop stress in it's tracks!

Feel like you're constantly on a speeding train of CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP which is leaving you stressed out and exhausted?  

Despite feeling like you're busy all day it doesn't feel like you're actually getting anything done?  Then you're going to love today's video!   

In this video you'll learn: 

  • The power of the PAUSE 
  • How slowing down actually helps you speed up  
  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to take a Power Pause  

Click here to watch it

Make sure to grab the free Energy Fix Blueprint to use during your next Power Pause!

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EXHALE Live Virtual Wellness Retreat happening October 1st

If you're a high-achiever who's been doing all of the things, working non-stop, mind-spinning all night, and running on empty...you're definitely not alone.

We live in a world of GO GO GO, hustle hard, and wearing BUSY like a badge of honor. And we both know that pace is NOT sustainable, nor is it what you signed up for.

The good news is, this does not have to be the norm for you.

Because I'm going to show you exactly how to hit the reset button with 1 powerful day of pause with the EXHALE Retreat happening Saturday October 1st @10am PST/ 1pm EST.  Click HERE for info!


It's time for you to DITCH THE BURNOUT FOR GOOD so you can actually achieve more with WAY less effort when you're feeling AH-mazing...  


Just imagine how BLISSED OUT and INCREDIBLE you’ll feel after this immersive and interactive virtual experience to enjoy:

> Yoga sessions to stretch out all the cranky, achy kinks in your body so you're...

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Feeling stressed? Try this mindfulness technique

Life as we knew it has shifted drastically, which means for many stress has been a constant companion which is understandable.

However, since stress is a know contributor to a weakened immune system as well as a risk faction for disease and mental health challenge doing things on a regular basis to lower it is absolutely needed.

Thankfully, the number one tool for bringing your stress level down quickly is one that is also right under your nose....your breath. 

Slow deep breathing is a sure fire way to help yourself feel more centered. 

Next time you feel yourself getting overwhelmed try this:

  • Take a deep slow breath in and then let it out super slowly through your mouth. Repeat 5x
  • Breathe in again and ask yourself: How do I feel right now? This helps you become aware and present. 
  • Label or name the feeling with judgement
  • Continue to breathe deeply and ask yourself: Do I want to stay in this state? If not what are 3 simple steps I can take to shift my inner state...
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Stress Less: Virtual Workshop

As we navigate this unprecedented time and ever changing work arrangements, people around the world are reporting higher stress levels than ever. 

And while stress shows up differently in people, it has very similar effects for many such as:

  • tension, pain, headaches
  • difficulty focusing, making decisions, and being forgetful
  • irritability, insomnia, low energy
  • shock, with-drawl, anxiety, depression

Coupled with the fact that chronic stress is a major risk for illness and mental health challenges, it is absolutely essential that your team has the tools that they need to lower stress levels naturally!

Empower yourself with practical and research backed techniques to stress less with this virtual workshop:

STRESS LESS: Tools and Techniques You Can Use Anywhere 


This virtual workshop will help you understand stress, know exactly how to reduce it, and what to do today to build inner resilience to promote a deep sense of calm and ease.


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Weekly online Yoga Sessions by donation!

WOW::: I have never needed Yoga more than I have these last few days. I am on a roller coaster of emotions, but one thing I know for sure is that Yoga is helping me big time.

What about you? What is helping you navigate the wild waters of the last week?  

I hope that you are using every tool you know of to take care of yourself, inside and out! Since I know how powerful and helpful they are, I would love to share the tools of Yoga with you to: MOVE, BREATHE, STRETCH, RELAX, and CONNECT through the magic of the interwebs!


This all levels Yoga class will be hosted every Wednesday for the next few weeks at 4:30pm HST/ 7:30pm PST on Zoom and offered by donation. 

Everyone is welcome, so please invite your friends!!  Sign up here!

The classes will be open to all levels and will be about 75 minutes long. We will mix it up from week to week, but you can expect some standing poses, deep stretches,...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!