3 Reasons Morning Routines Are Great For You & Your Business

In a world where hustle culture reigns supreme, it's easy to forget the importance of self-care. But here's a secret: your morning routine might just be the game-changer your business needs.

Join us as we dive into the magical world of morning rituals and discover why they're not just a luxury, but a necessity for every entrepreneur.

Here's what you'll uncover in this episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse podcast:

  1. Boost Your Productivity: Did you know that a well-crafted morning routine can supercharge your productivity by up to 72%? We'll show you how to harness this incredible ROI to tackle your to-do list with ease and efficiency.

  2. Live with Intention: Say goodbye to drifting through your days on autopilot. Morning routines empower you to seize each moment with purpose and intention, allowing you to show up as your best and brightest self in both life and business.

  3. Navigate Stress Like a Pro: In a world where burnout and stress levels are skyrocketing, your morning routine...

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Boost Your Productivity By 72% With This Tool Used By The Most Successful Entrepreneurs

72% is a VERY significant increase in anything especially when it directly impacts your success, health, and happiness! 

So what is this potent game changer? Exercise in the morning!! 

Not only does it rev up your metabolism, spark your energy, and leave you feeling all sorts of strong and powerful but it helps you show up vibrantly and fully in your business.

That is if you make it part of your meaningful morning routine (find out what that is here)

Morning routines are a staple for some business giants including Oprah Winfrey and Tony Robbins for a good reason: they work! 

They're shown to:

  • Boost your mood and get you tapped into joy 
  • Connect you to your vision and help you take aligned action
  • Help you show up intentionally from a place of purpose and clarity

Ready to make your morning routine more impactful and meaningful? Listen to this new episode of the Purposeful Powerhouse Podcast that will help you do just that!


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Rock It Like a Rooster!

Once upon a time I accidentally a Hawaiian rooster and it turns out the whole experience had a whole lot to teach me.

Dive into these lessons yourself in this weeks video where you’ll learn:

  • the four C’s of creating a meaningful morning routine
  • the universe’s divine sense of humor
  • how embracing ALL of you is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself  

Plus lots more!

Click here to watch the video

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Got 2 minutes? Then check out my Fasterclass Masterclass!

GOT 2 MINUTES? Then you've got time for my free FASTERCLASS MASTERCLASS!

In just 120 seconds you'll learn the 3 keys to a more Meaningful and Empowered Morning Routine, yes please!

Check it out here

Make sure to grab my free gift and check out all the other awesome classes while you're there!

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Sick of being drained and in pain?

Telling yourself you’ll work out or do yoga later is stopping you from feeling great in your body.

I get it, you’re busy and have lots going on. But the truth is: does LATER ever come?

How many times have you told yourself you’ll start on Monday only to realize its a new month (or even year) and you have yet to get started with your routine?

It happens.

But think about it, do you think people who are healthy and strong tell themselves they’ll do it later?

No way, they make it a priority. They do it first thing in the day because it sets the tone for the day, leaves them feeling refreshed, and helps them get more done all day long!

So are you going to wait til you're burnt out and bust up to start making how you feel a priority? Or do you want to learn how to create a morning routine that leaves you feel energized and centered?

If so grab my free mini morning routine to get started today

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1 thing to do everyday for more energy and inspiration

Do you have more faith in your fears or your dreams?

Are you getting pushed forward by the voice in your head saying you’ve gotta do XYZ to be happy or successful….

Or are you pulled forward by the excitement of your vision and what you are creating?

You get to choose!

 Just know that the many voices of your inner critic while play all sorts of sneaky tricks on you in a misguided attempt to keep you safe exactly where you are.

This is why it is super vital for you to have a way to start your day that:

empowers you

aligns you with your dreams

and helps you embody that elevated version of yourself that will allow you to live into the future that you desire for yourself!

In my weekly live training I shared some real talk on how my morning routine has helped me through some really dark times and ultimately get me where I am now. Catch that HERE on Facebook or HERE on YouTube if you'd like!

In the video I share my fast and easy ALIGN AND ENERGIZE 3...

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Do you live from possibility or circumstance?

Have you heard the quote from Stephan Covey to "begin with the end in mind"? He was reminding us to show up from a place of possibility, trust, and inspiration so that we can take actions and make decisions that align with that end goal.
So how can you do that? How can you be that future version of yourself TODAY? How can you:
Be Her/Him Now….. Who is she/he?
The one that:
✨Kept her/his eye on the prize and has brought all of her/his dreams to life
✨Shows up everyday from a place of certainty, trust, and conviction
✨Takes inspired action from a place of deep knowing and inner guidance
✨Creates from a place of possibility not the past…..
Do you make it a point to connect to her/him everyday?
To embody her/him NOW so you can tap into inspiration and take steps forward guided by her/his quiet whispers of wise direction?
It doesn’t take much, but it does take you making the time to do it.
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PODCAST FEATURE: Get sh*t done & have more fun!

WOW! It was definitely a great honor to speak at the Vancouver branch of the Entrepreneurs International Network recently! 

In this live presentation I talked about how important it is that business owners take care of ourselves so we can: “Get sh*t done & have more fun "!

Check out this talk if you want high energy all day long, you’re SO ready to get rid of brain fog and afternoon energy slumps or if you want to de-slouch yourself to carry yourself with more confidence and strength.

You’ll also learn how making your health and happiness a priority is essential for business success and will help you get more done with less stress.

*Side note: the title was NOT my idea, but it's kinda funny isn't it?


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PODCAST FEATURE: How to stay energized & empowered as an entrepreneur!

Join me for a fun chat with the lovely ladies of the Crossroads Cafe Podcast: Emma Gaba and Felicity Lerouge! 

In this episode we chat about why is so important that as business owners we take care of ourselves and how to do that by creating a morning routine. 

Take a listen to the episode HERE.

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!