The dark cloud of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are a special breed, that is for sure! It turns out that amongst the entrepreneurial community there is a very high prevalence of mental health challenges....so why aren't more people talking about that?  

That is the focus of today's episode, so let's jump into this week's vlog here! 

Make sure to grab the special gift of the Energy Fix Blueprint to use any time you need to ground and center yourself right here. 

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The most powerful tool to stop stress in it's tracks!

Feel like you're constantly on a speeding train of CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP which is leaving you stressed out and exhausted?  

Despite feeling like you're busy all day it doesn't feel like you're actually getting anything done?  Then you're going to love today's video!   

In this video you'll learn: 

  • The power of the PAUSE 
  • How slowing down actually helps you speed up  
  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to take a Power Pause  

Click here to watch it

Make sure to grab the free Energy Fix Blueprint to use during your next Power Pause!

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PODCAST: From Anxious and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized!

Recently, on the You Can Overcome ANYTHING Podcast I shared my story of going from Anxious, Depressed and Burnout to Joyfully Inspired and Energized with host Cesar Espino.

You can listen to the episode here! Cesar and I talked candidly about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, plus I shared lots of tools and techniques that I use to navigate them.


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3 reasons you need a morning routine

How do you start your day? If you're like many people the first thing that they do is grab their phone and check for updates, emails, texts and start scrolling.....sound familiar? 

I know it's tempting to start your day that way but here's the thing: having a morning routine that doesn't involve Facebook, Gmail, or Instagram can actually change your life, one day at a time! 

Morning is my favorite time of day and my daily routine is part of why I love it so much! I typically don't check my phone until its totally completed because every time I do it throws me off my game and I get distracted. 

To give you a glimpse here's what mine looks like: puppy snuggles for as long as he will allow LOL, gratitude and visualization practice while I drink my warm lemon water, workout and yoga while I drink my coffee, finished by meditation and then a smoothie.

I can do all of this in an hour if I have to, but with most of my work now being from home I have a lot more freedom in my...

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Stressed to the max at work?

If so, you are definitely not alone and the truth is that way too many people feel this way!

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your health and happiness, yet is something that far too many people deal with on a daily basis simply because they don't yet know what to do to ease the burden.

While some stress is helpful to get us up and motivated to take action, if left unchecked, stress can quickly take a toll on your body and your mind. 

Take my client Emily for example: who when dealing with major family stress developed lower back issues and sciatica pain. Since it is very common for problems to manifest as physical symptoms it was essential that we integrated relaxation techniques plus stretches and exercises to help her feel like herself again and get out of pain. And thankfully she did! 

Far too many people wait until they are in pain or are super stressed to take action because they think they just don't have the time, know how, or...

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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!