Desk job giving you neck and shoulder pain? Mini Yoga Breaks will help!

Have you ever said to yourself: It's not worth doing ______________

(fill in the blank with: Yoga or Stretching or Exercising) because I only have a few minutes?

If you have, you are definitely not alone! Learn more in this week's Vitality Tip!

It's funny how sometimes we use this logic on ourselves right?

By telling yourself: unless I have X amount of time, it's really not going to do any good or make me feel any better. FALSE! 

The truth is: every little bit counts and does have the potential to make you feel better! 

But the mind can be a funny thing sometimes. Talking you out of taking a few minutes to move, breath,  and stretch by spinning a story about how its pretty much a waste of time unless you can do it for a long time......weird logic! 

The truth is it is ideal to be moving your body frequently throughout the day, by getting up often, changing positions, moving around etc...all things that may not happen that often when you are working on a...

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Try this easy move you can do at your desk to ease neck and shoulder pain

Do you upper back or neck pain when working at your desk? So many of us do!

Part of the reason for this is because when we are working on the computer we tend to slouch: letting our shoulders and head roll forward. This takes us out of the natural S curve of the spine into a rounded C curve.  When this happens our muscles have to work harder to hold us upright and our head gets heavier and heavier.

In fact, for every inch your head moves forward of your shoulders it’s weight increases by approximately 10 pounds! 

This extra weight means the upper back and neck muscles have to work extra hard leading to extra tension and discomfort. This extra work can drain our energy and zap our productivity. This makes it extra important to take Yoga Breaks throughout our day to reset our posture and ease the impact of sitting. Click here to learn more about the effects of sitting on our bodies, minds, and spirit.

Watch this quick video to learn a move you can do right away to...

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Why should you do stretching exercises at your desk? To prevent sitting disease!

Did you know that the average American spends about 55% of their waking hours every day sitting??? 

This adds up to almost 8 hours everyday sitting, and this finding is on the low end, with other studies that many people are sedentary (ie: not moving) for 12 or more hours everyday. WOWZERS!!

So what does this all this sitting mean for your health?

Remember how we talked about how Sitting is the New Smoking ie: how all that time parked in a chair is not only wreaking havoc on your derriere, but also your health? Well unfortunately, it’s true and it even has its own name: SITTING DISEASE!  “The growing body of research on sitting disease has found a strong correlation between long periods of sitting and elevated risk of illness or injury.” YIKES!!!…..like what you might be asking yourself???? 

It turns out that sitting for so long everyday puts someone at a higher risk for:

  • weight gain (especially around the midsection where it...
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Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!