Customized on-site and online wellness training programs designed to enhance the health, focus, and productivity of your employees and teams.


Be Proactive

On the job stress is costly,  and carries a $300 Billion annual price tag because of its direct impacts on accidents, absenteeism, turnover, diminished productivity, presenteeism, and direct medical, legal, insurance and workers compensation costs

Be Progressive

Yoga has a long list of both internal and external benefits resulting in healthier and happier employees that can both outlive AND outperform the competition! Attract and retain top talent, reduce health care costs, boost productivity and lower stress in the workplace.

Be a Leader

Imagine you and your hardworking team members taking time together to move, stretch and breathe to deepen the sense of community, and boost morale. Promote a workplace culture that values and encourages the health of its team members. 


Why Prioritize Workplace Wellness?

With more people focusing on making healthy lifestyle choices both at home and at work, we are seeing more companies introducing Workplace Wellness programs. These offerings can include a wide variety of things such as breathing and stretch breaks to Lunchtime group workout sessions.

Once introduced, Workplace Wellness initiatives have a host of benefits including:


  • Reduced Stress and Tension
  • Improved Strength and Flexibility
  • Enhanced Focus and Concentration
  • Increased Energy and Job Satisfaction
  • Better Posture, Decreased Pain Levels


  • Boosted Productivity, Lower Absenteeism
  • Savings on Health Care Costs
  • Happier, Healthier Employees
  • Fewer on the Job Injuries
  • Reduced Staff Turnover


WantĀ your team be healthy, happy, and more productive? Ā 

With a wide variety of Wellness Services available, all of which are completely customizable for your needs and budget, I am certain that together we can create the perfect Wellness Program for your team. In order to determine what would work best for you, I am happy to offer an on-site consultation to design a program that works for your team goals, space requirements, and daily schedule.

Ready to and go from drained and in painĀ to energized and focused ALL DAY?

Contact meĀ to book a complimentary virtual or in person 20 minute Yoga at Work demo!



Workplace Wellness Session Menu


Happy Workplace Yogis:

Breathe, Stretch, and Work Better

Bring health, productivity, and workplace wellness to your office! Click below to book a complimentary Workplace Wellness demo.


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Two Step

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