E17: 3 Reasons Morning Routines Are Great For You & Your Business

In a world where hustle culture reigns supreme, it's easy to forget the importance of self-care. But here's a secret: your morning routine might just be the game-changer your business needs.

Join us as we dive into the magical world of morning rituals and discover why they're not just a luxury, but a necessity for every entrepreneur.

Here's what you'll uncover in this podcast:

  1. Boost Your Productivity: Did you know that a well-crafted morning routine can supercharge your productivity by up to 72%? We'll show you how to harness this incredible ROI to tackle your to-do list with ease and efficiency.

  2. Live with Intention: Say goodbye to drifting through your days on autopilot. Morning routines empower you to seize each moment with purpose and intention, allowing you to show up as your best and brightest self in both life and business.

  3. Navigate Stress Like a Pro: In a world where burnout and stress levels are skyrocketing, your morning routine can be your secret weapon for maintaining balance and avoiding the dreaded crash. Discover how to create a morning ritual that acts as your daily shield against overwhelm and exhaustion.

Ready to unlock the transformative power of morning routines and take your business to new heights? Tune in now and start crafting a morning ritual that sets you up for success, then join us for the brand new Rise & Vibe Series that starts 4/30

 Listen to the episode here!

Please find the show notes below. Since it is a transcription there may be spelling errors and/or weird grammar. Ignore that and enjoy!

00;00;00;20 - 00;00;26;23
Speaker 1
Hello and welcome to a movement of people who care so much about how they feel that they make time for themselves every day. I'm the leader of this movement and the host of this podcast, and my name is Meghan Nolan. I am a wellness coach for purpose driven Entrepreneurs and women on a mission, and I am all about helping you to be healthy, happy and sustainably successful.

00;00;26;25 - 00;00;59;14
Speaker 1
So let's jump in to today's episode that will help you to do that. Hello. Hello, and welcome back. Today, we're going to be talking about three reasons that your morning routine is good for you and good for your business because of the r0e that it has the return on energy. But before we jump into these three reasons and the story of the crazy week that I had last week where I almost had to send for Noah and his ark, I wanted to invite you to rise and Vibe.

00;00;59;14 - 00;01;28;01
Speaker 1
Rise and Vibe is a brand new series that's starting on April 30th and happening weekly on Tuesday mornings at 11 a.m. Pacific. 30 minutes of intention and strength and grounding and movement and play and joy to help you to start your day. Joyfully energized with strength and clarity and intention and really encourage you to have the tools and the support and accountability that you need to get into a morning routine that you love and you look forward to.

00;01;28;03 - 00;01;42;09
Speaker 1
So the link to check that out is in the show notes and we'd love to have you join us. It's a five week series, and if you're not able to make the sessions live each week, there will be the replay of each session available for a week after. Okay, so I love to have you come and play with us.

00;01;42;10 - 00;02;05;02
Speaker 1
Check that out. If you're interested in really having tools and accountability and love and inspiration around your morning routine. So why are morning routines good for you and your business? Because of the return on investment that they have, the return on energy that they have? Well, before we jump into that, I'll tell you about last week when there was a major flood in my house.

00;02;05;02 - 00;02;25;09
Speaker 1
So I live in Maui. Not sure if you knew that, but you do now. And I live on the bottom floor of a two story house. And last week, a week today I woke up in the morning, there was water pouring out from underneath the baseboards in my bathroom. I'm thinking, that's not good. That's not good at all.

00;02;25;11 - 00;02;40;16
Speaker 1
And so I start putting the towels down and I'm like, Shoot, I got to leave for my session. I go into my bedroom and something had fallen out of the shower and it was on the floor and I picked it up and it was like, if you can't see me, I just take all sorts of water, pour it out of it, I'll explain that to you.

00;02;40;16 - 00;02;57;23
Speaker 1
That's what that's anymore. Oh, no. And I start pulling stuff out of my bath there. So my bedroom closet, which is on the opposite wall, and it was soaked to the water, was pouring out the place poured in there. And then I go back into the bathroom, which is separate, a very, very small hallway, and it's pouring out.

00;02;57;23 - 00;03;30;18
Speaker 1
And I'm like, oh, the island just isn't God the living God. So I started putting all the towels. I call my landlord, I had to leave for a session. I came back a couple of hours later and there was pretty much a lake in every room of my house. And so what had happened is on the above the second floor in the attic, a pipe that's attached to the solar water heater exploded and is probably a long term leak because it really just got to the point where it literally had poured in through their house on the second floor, which is the exact same layout.

00;03;30;18 - 00;03;53;11
Speaker 1
So into the bedroom that's above mine, into the bathroom. And it had just started to saturate all the way down the walls. And it finally got all the way down to my. And so last week was a bit of this situation. Luckily, I was able to stay a just in my partner's house and my landlord came in with the big guns, if you will, of of the restoration team here.

00;03;53;11 - 00;04;13;14
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I'm not sure what they're called. Their business was like restoration doesn't matter. They came in with the dehumidifiers and the heaters and they roasted my house like a proper Hawaiian magnet and dried it out. Thank the heavens. Because I came home yesterday and all the blue tape, which was indicating that there was water in the walls, was gone and everything was gone.

00;04;13;14 - 00;04;32;25
Speaker 1
And so my upstairs neighbors are still getting roasted because they were still had a lot more water than mine. And anyways, that's what happened last week. But what helped me to gather is my morning routine. And, you know, that morning I had already done my routine and then I woke. Then I went into the bathroom to shower, get ready, etc. and I thought, oh, my goodness.

00;04;32;25 - 00;04;48;02
Speaker 1
And so I was able to stay pretty calm with the whole thing. But then the next morning, when I woke up in my house and literally my like, everything was in the living room, you know, by that point we had figured out and turned the water off, but everything's upside down. And of course, instinctively you just want to like, get going.

00;04;48;02 - 00;05;09;25
Speaker 1
Like I'm very much an action taker, right? And so I'm like, I want to fix this. I want to start cleaning and putting, you know, doing things. And I could feel that level of anxiety and agitation in my body because your inner state is affected by your outer surroundings. And so that's why I don't know about you. But clutter and, you know, really chaotic situation can really affect me.

00;05;09;27 - 00;05;36;10
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And so I thought, you know, I'm going to do some meditation. I tried that because my anxiety when I woke up was a little bit a lot, and it wasn't something I was ready for because my brain was this kind of bunga bunga bunga all over the place. And so I went into movement and yoga and breathwork and was able to get grounded and really center myself and so able to then, you know, go into the day and from a place of clear headedness.

00;05;36;12 - 00;06;00;07
Speaker 1
And so really that, you know, one of the first reasons that morning routines are good for you and your business is stress is at an all time high. It doesn't necessarily have to mean a broken water, but it happened in your life. But you know what? Whatever, metaphorically that is, you know, that happens, right? You know, maybe your landing page blew out right When you're in the middle of a launch or whatever things happen, stress is is associated with every major chronic disease.

00;06;00;07 - 00;06;25;04
Speaker 1
You probably heard that. And it's, you know, inbox 500,000 is just the demands on you constantly are ongoing. And in order for you to be able to handle challenges, whether that's an exploded pipe or a team member that's not showing up or, you know, drop the ball on a major project or something like that, we want to be able to stay in a state where you can handle challenges because you're not wound up at a ten.

00;06;25;07 - 00;06;51;09
Speaker 1
Right? When we're wound up at a ten and under stress, we're in a red zone when it comes to our nervous system. You think about it in the red zone, it's like frantic, frazzled, you know, that worn out woman energy. And so we want to make sure that you're starting the day grounded, you're starting the day centered, you're starting the day by really essentially calibrating yourself to the vibe of your vision, the way that you want to feel, the way that you want to show up into each day.

00;06;51;15 - 00;07;11;22
Speaker 1
You get to decide that. You get to decide that by where you put your focus, what you set as your intention. Are you going to set that day and live that day by design, or will it be by default? Right. And that's what a morning routine gives you. The capacity and the ability to do it to choose is how you show up that day.

00;07;11;24 - 00;07;40;08
Speaker 1
Right. And that's really powerful. That's so powerful because as the leader, as the purposeful powerhouse CEO, you get to decide, are you going to show up, grounded and centered and in that purposeful powerhouse energy? Or is it going to be the frantic, frazzled vibes of the worn out woman your. All right. So that's that has a massive hour away because your energy is everything in your business and the way that you're able to hold steady handle challenges is really directly affected by the state of your nervous system.

00;07;40;08 - 00;07;58;07
Speaker 1
Ultimately the state of your mind, the state of your emotionality. But what about your body? What about your body? If your body is sore and achy and cranky, then that can be a cause to feel more irritable. Get sure you feel impatient, maybe have a headache, maybe you just can't, like, focus. You know, you've got that blinking cursor syndrome.

00;07;58;10 - 00;08;17;22
Speaker 1
And so when you decide to take space for yourself, to make space for yourself in the morning, it's so impactful for all the reasons I just said. But then let's talk about how it's so important for your body because your business is a reflection of you, your team, your clients. You are the common denominator, you are the driving force.

00;08;17;24 - 00;08;41;05
Speaker 1
Therefore, the vehicle that you inhabit, which is your physical body. I don't know if you can hear me tapping on my chest, but your physical body is the mechanism for you to be able to live into that alignment, to create these beautiful things, to create the content you need your brain, you need your fingers, right? Or maybe to do the B-roll or whatever it we sometimes forget we live life out as an out of body experience.

00;08;41;05 - 00;08;58;23
Speaker 1
But your body is like your car, your vehicle. Whenever you have that, you get transported to and fro from, you take it to the mechanic, right? You get somebody to change the oil and rotate the tires. And I don't know what else they do. That's pretty much the extent of what I know. No, I'm kidding. You put gas in it.

00;08;58;25 - 00;09;19;26
Speaker 1
I'm not a car person. I don't know if you can tell so that you take care of it. Right? Hopefully. Otherwise, you're probably going to have some problems which you may be aware of if you are taking care of it. But your body is the same. Your body needs things, right? It tells you that you get the rumbles in your tummy when you're hungry, you get a headache.

00;09;19;26 - 00;09;45;08
Speaker 1
If you haven't had a drink enough water, you know your body kind of aches. If you sit in the slouchy posture for too long, like all of those things are indications or whispers from your body, your emotions are your signal from your nervous system of where you're at in your own inner state, your frequency. Right? So when you move your body first thing in the morning, it can potentially increase your productivity, your energy, your clarity, your focus and your joy by upwards of 72%.

00;09;45;11 - 00;10;05;18
Speaker 1
That's what the research shows us, is that exercise first thing in the morning, revs up your metabolism, oxygenates your entire body, which of course includes your brain. Right. And it sets the tone for that state of clear, grounded, calm energy because, you know, after you do a workout or yoga, you're like, yeah, you give me a gold star.

00;10;05;18 - 00;10;27;15
Speaker 1
I crushed it. I feel good. And then you kind of go struttin into the day, like the prancing peacock that you are when you're feeling good. And so that's 72%. Not only are you deciding how you're going to show up emotionally, but physically it affects you because you've awakened your sleeping muscles from from sleeping. You're waking up your core muscles, your sleeping booty, which is included in that.

00;10;27;15 - 00;10;50;23
Speaker 1
Right. You probably heard me talk about Sleeping Beauty and the seventh sneaky symptoms of sitting too much or, you know, technically called gluteal amnesia and weak posture. But whatever, whatever you want to call it, it is because you are you're activating that power posture. Power posture. Right. When we have that confidence in your your body language, it changes how people perceive you.

00;10;51;01 - 00;11;11;05
Speaker 1
It changes how you communicate. It changes the state that your nervous system is in, which then impacts how people perceive and receive you. So that's all very directly impactful on your ROI and the success of your sales calls, maybe the success of your content, maybe the the conversation that you had, maybe you go to a networking meeting, you know, like all of those things.

00;11;11;05 - 00;11;27;12
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Are you willing to put yourself out there in that grounded posture or are you just going to wake up and get going on the day and your body's like still kind of slouched over from sleeping? Maybe everything's sort of achy and tired and it's kind of bugging you and maybe there's something nagging in your neck all the time that's distracting you constantly.

00;11;27;14 - 00;11;48;27
Speaker 1
So that's the decision made. And that's where the 72% boost in productivity, that's massive. Okay. So that's the second reason. The first one is you get to decide how you're going to show up. You're the common denominator. Number two, how can you begin to exercise and move your body in a way to give yourself that vroom, vroom from growing like the car?

00;11;48;29 - 00;12;09;04
Speaker 1
Right? You're basically a Tesla. We just need to make sure that you get all of the all of the tools and the fuels that will help you to get where you want to go. And then finally, the third reason that having a morning routine is really beneficial for you and your business is we've spoke to it a little bit already is You know, stress is associated with every major chronic disease.

00;12;09;04 - 00;12;40;17
Speaker 1
You're the common denominator in your business. Your health is vital in order to have a successful, lasting, sustainable business. Right. And and we talk about it from the perspective of holistic success. Of course, you want to be financially abundant and impactful and living your purpose and doing great things in the world. But in order for you to be able to do that, it does take health of mind and body and spirit full stop, absolutely essential for you to have a sustainably successful business.

00;12;40;19 - 00;13;01;22
Speaker 1
But if we are running ourself ragged, we're working nonstop around the clock, we're burning the candle on all the ends and we're just kind of flipping ourselves constantly running on caffeine. Cortisol may be a T strain here and there. That's not the recipe for long term happiness or health. Right. And, you know, and I think you probably agree that in order to be truly successful, you do need to be healthy and happy as well.

00;13;01;24 - 00;13;21;19
Speaker 1
And so in order for you to be continually successful, your health is an essential component of that. And I'm willing to bet that in the in the vision, the goals that you have for yourself, you're thriving, you're looking good, you're feeling good, You kick and ask to take names, but not just kind of crunched over and slouched over and like feeling defeated, feeling exhausted, all of that.

00;13;21;21 - 00;13;43;06
Speaker 1
Right. And so when you are taking that time to take care of your body so that you move with grace and feel that lightness in your body recover faster from getting sick or, you know, maybe get some brutal get hurt or whatever you recover faster. And so the reality is, is that our body is incredibly resilient, but it's also fragile.

00;13;43;08 - 00;14;11;03
Speaker 1
And when we push ourselves constantly and we're not having these moments that stop and recharge daily, then we can easily get to a place of burnout. Right? 50% of business owners either have or will experience burnout in their career. Burnout, injury, illness, worse, right Sitting, which we'll talk more about in May because it's posture month sitting is associated with metabolic disease.

00;14;11;03 - 00;14;35;06
Speaker 1
So weight gain around the midsection, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, fatty acid accumulation, weight gain, swelling at the joints, all sorts of things. Diabetes, cancer. Right. And so there's the more we sit, the higher the risk is for that. And so I'm not scared saying these things to scare you by any means, but it's just a reality check of our modern life and of a sedentary lifestyle that we have.

00;14;35;08 - 00;14;53;03
Speaker 1
So many of us are kind of conditioned to think that this is how we have to live to be productive in our business. But the reality is, is that when you have movement in the morning, you're taking care of yourself, you're getting up, you're taking power, pauses throughout the day. You have maybe a sitting standing situation where you can alternate and move around a little bit more.

00;14;53;03 - 00;15;14;07
Speaker 1
Maybe you're integrating movement into your your your meetings, Right. And so all of these beautiful things that are really beneficial because your body is essential for the long term success of your business. There's really no other way to say it. Your body is essential. But we do sometimes forget. We think, Oh, it's my mind. My mind is the creative source.

00;15;14;09 - 00;15;53;06
Speaker 1
Yes, 1,000% necessary, but so is your body and taking care of your body, making it a priority, making it one of the first things that you take care of in the day actually is a high priority business activity because of its vital, essential quality to the success of your business. Agree or disagree? Hopefully you agree. So that's what I wanted to share with you today because it is really impactful and having something that really gets you into the feeling of the of the future, getting into that energy of the day, aligning your mind with the the vision and the goals that you have, moving your body to wake it up, keep it energized, keep being

00;15;53;06 - 00;16;10;22
Speaker 1
happy, keep it healthy, keep it strong, get rid of tension. All of those things. Lower your stress levels, balance your hormones, you know, all the beautiful things, integrating some of your power statements so that you're using the physicality of your workout or your yoga to really embody that elevated emotional state and have that clear intention in your mind.

00;16;10;24 - 00;16;27;06
Speaker 1
Those are really the core elements of a morning routine and so, you know, you can mix and match however you like based on your energy, where you're at in your cycle, all of those things. And so really that's the core element of an amplified morning routine and that's what it will be diving deep into in Rising vibe. And we'll be sharing.

00;16;27;06 - 00;16;47;20
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We'll be doing that each week and so that you can begin to take what you're learning and integrate it, implement it into your days when we're not together other days than Tuesday. Right. And so that you'll have this empowered knowledge base to begin to really create this really beautiful, solid habit for yourself. So if you would like to join us, I would love to have you come and play with us.

00;16;47;20 - 00;17;04;09
Speaker 1
And so the link will be somewhere around this video or some medium if you have questions about it, it will be all levels and modifications. You don't need any extra equipment beyond a yoga mat, But if you, you know, we will need either like a strap or a scarf, a blanket, a towel. If you have weights, you can use those.

00;17;04;16 - 00;17;38;25
Speaker 1
But again, these are all optional and we'll figure out how you can play with us without. If you don't have those things, which is totally fine. I would love to have you join us because as you've learned here, it has an incredible impact on how you feel, how you show up, how you're able to handle challenges gracefully so that you can show up as the purposeful, powerhouse CEO that you truly are and really will give you a full experience and so much knowledge to be able to use your mind like the powerful tools so that you can think on purpose with your body to keep it strong and energized by moving in on purpose.

00;17;38;27 - 00;17;57;25
Speaker 1
And really all of that coming together so that you can show up on purpose as the purposeful powerhouse that you are and that your vision and your goals and your dreams and your business and your sustainable success are calling you to be and really need you to be. So that's all I have for you today. I'm loving you lots.

00;17;57;26 - 00;18;17;07
Speaker 1
Have a beautiful day. Reach out soon and I would love for you to tag me and share this on your socials. That would be amazing if something landed for you that you got a little. Aha, Send me a dream or tag me on your stories. I love to connect. So have a beautiful rest of your day, everybody. Tata, for now, thank you so much for listening.

00;18;17;07 - 00;18;40;20
Speaker 1
I hope you really enjoyed this episode and got a lot out of it. Please let me know what landed for you by taking a screenshot and sharing your takeaways on your Instagram stories. Make sure to tag me at I am Megan Nolan for Shout Out and Future episodes and don't forget to grab all the goodies that we mentioned during the episode because you're going to love them.

00;18;40;28 - 00;18;48;05
Speaker 1
So all the links are in the show notes. So until next time, cheers to you. Living on purpose every day.





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