3 Questions to Make More Your Morning More Meaningful

Wanna know the 3 questions I start each day with?

They're simple, but actually quite profound and are actually the keys to creating a meaningful morning routine. MAGIC!!

We'll be diving lots deeper into this at my free live workshop series starting soon, but more on that below! 

SIDE NOTE: In case you hate waking up early or aren't a morning person, have no fear because these questions are NOT time sensitive.

IE: You DO NOT have to ask them at 5 am everyday for them to do you any good. LOL

So here they are:

1) Where am I going? This will help you determine how to head in the direction of your goals...rather than away from them. This will be your north star to focus on as you expand the vision for what is possible for you.

2) Who do I want to be today? This question will guide you on how can you show up and what qualities you get to activate within yourself to get there. After you determine this, you can use your Yoga practice or workout routine to activate and embody these key qualities in yourself.

3) What will I need to do to get there? This will help you determine 3 action steps you can take today to move you in that direction. There may be more but starting with 3 is perfect and usually leads to more πŸ˜‰

Of course there's lots more to unpack about these but I'll save that for my free live workshop series starting January 16th, which you can sign up for here.

Cheers to your meaningful morning routine,



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