Got a pain in the upper back? Try this quick and easy move!
Try this
#miniyogabreak with me to take the OUCH

out of your slouch for more energy and less upper back tension!
Do you feel like you're constantly on the hamster wheel of life?
Going, going, going but also feeling physically drained and constantly dealing with neck and back pain

It sucks. It’s exhausting.
It get it. Life is busy. You’ve got lots to do. But let’s also get real about this PAIN SUCKS and it’s draining your energy and motivation.
It also slows you down and steals your focus which means you get less done so there’s that….
The great news is: there’s a powerful toolset right at your finger tips that will change that for you. And leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day so you get

sh*t done and still have time for fun. YOGA!!
So lemme ask ya: Are you ACTUALLY ready to use the tools of Yoga to overcome your pain?
Check out my
free 2 minute quiz to see if the tools of Yoga are the ones you’ve been searching for to go from drained and in pain to vibrant and invigorated!