No keyboard hunchback for you!

Stop your scroll and try these simple moves for less tension and pain in your upper back and neck! 

If working on your computer all day leaves you feeling:

>Like you're in a body twice your age and that kinda freaks you out

>So exhausted that you could curl up under your desk and nap at any given moment…

>Your mind is SO all over the place that it feels the ball at the final match of the world ping pong championships…


It happens!! Life is busy and with so many demands on your time and energy it can be VERY easy to forget to make time to take care of your body so it stays strong, healthy, and PAIN FREE!!


Which is why I would love to invite you to my free OUT OF PAIN AND INTO POWER workshop happening Wednesday March 23 at 12pm PST/ 3pm EST.

In this live session you’ll learn how to prevent the dreaded keyboard hunchback so you can overcome pain and: 

NOT feel like you're living in a body 2X your actual age that has to make "old people" noises as you grunt and groan to stand up or sit down 

Wake up your sleeping booty (which is totally a thing that happens you sit on it all day!)  so you sit, stand, and walk tall with confidence

 Learn 1 powerful Yoga move you can do anywhere (even in line at the bank) to have more energy and less pain (with no mat required)

No hunchback for you when you save your spot for free here!



Is the nagging pain in your neck and back distracting you and draining your energy?

Press PAUSE on your busy life with this free 10 minute "Yoga at My Desk" video to instantly feel better!