Go Fizzled Out To Fired Up Fast!


Start Your Day Aligned And Inspired So You Elevate Your Energy, Banish Brain Fog, And Make The Most Of Everyday...Without It Taking All Day!


>>> I'm SO Ready <<<

 Just Imagine What Will Be Possible For You When You...


Prioritize self care so you show up energized, confident, and magnetic instead of frantic, frazzled, and on the verge of a freak out...

Hit pause on your busy mind and overcome your #1 self care sabotage pattern...

Keep your energy high as you go after your goals and avoid the dreaded crash after...


Introducing The:

90 Minute Energy Elevator Power Session!


An interactive one on one session where you'll get a:

  • Personalized 30 Day Energy Boost Plan: Keep your energy high and achieve your goals by seamlessly aligning your self care and business strategies 
  • Meaningful Morning Routine: Start your day with intention and purpose with a routine that works perfectly for you and your schedule
  • Roadblock Reveal: Skip the outdated self sabotaging patterns so you avoid anxiety and frustration  


Plus you'll get these bonuses to ensure you stay on track:

  • Energy And Ease At Your Fingertips With Lifetime Access To Mini Yoga At My Desk Sessions
  • Personalized Power Statement Screensaver To Keep Intentions Top Of Mind 
  • Recording of the session that is yours to keep


All For Just $97 (Save $200)!

I Am All About This!

"I'm focused and in alignment with my goals"

Megan helped me to get crystal clear on my pathway and how to take care of myself and my energy so I can show up fully.

Everything I learned and am now applying is helping me to stay focused and be totally in alignment with my goals. Plus I know how to catch the sneaky habits of self sabotage and shift them fast...so grateful for that.

I’m excited and ready to rock my launch!!

~Sydney: Embodiment & Empowerment Mentor~

90 Minute Energy Elevator Power Session

$97 (save $200!)

  • Personalized 30 Day Energy Boost Plan
  • Meaningful Morning Routine
  • Roadblock Reveal
  • Loads of Bonuses!


I'm totally in!

4 Week Energy Energy Elevator VIP

$597 (save $350!)

  • Easy To Do Personalized 15 Minute Morning Routine Including 2 Mini Sessions Designed Just For You (Valued @$397)
  • 4 Sixty Minute One-On-One Customized Personal Training/Yoga Sessions (Valued at $597)  
  • Activate AH-mazing Alignment With A Done For You Analysis So You're Strong, Flexible, and Fit (Valued at $297) 
  • Empowerment At Your Fingertips With Unlimited Access To A Library Of Yoga Sessions and Mini Workouts (Valued @$247)
Let's GO!!!

Hi, I'm Megan

The moment when I found myself exhausted, burnt out, and ready to give up saying: I CAN'T HANDLE THIS would have taken me to my knees...if I wasn't already in a crumpled heap on the floor.

My body was aching with pain, my spirit was drained.

I spent sleepless nights tossing and turning, my mind spinning in a tornado of anxiety.

My life felt like an endless cycle of overworking, overthinking, overdoing....with not much to show for it.

I felt completely out of integrity: A personal trainer that was too tired to exercise and a Yoga instructor too stressed to meditate.

I was the epitome of what I now call the "Worn Out Woman": frantic, frazzled, and running on fumes.

Definitely not my ideal state!

From that moment on I committed to making myself and my health a priority and show up fully energized and authentically confident. 

Now I'm leading a movement of service based online entrepreneurs who are doing the same!

So if you're ready to achieve your goals as your Purposeful Powerhouse CEO self and then click the button below and book your Energy Elevator Power Session!

I'm Ready To Elevate My Energy!