Start Your Day Like The Powerhouse You Are!


Amplify Your Mornings In 15 Minutes Or Less

And Work With Me Weekly!


Amplify Your Morning Now!

 Tired Of Waking Up To The Relentless Buzz Of The Anxiety Alarm Clock?


How Many Of These Sound Familiar...


Waking up with your brain already racing and telling you you're behind before the day even starts...?

Grabbing your phone within 20 minutes of waking up and scrolling mindlessly for 30 minutes?

Spending 50% (or more) of your workout or yoga session on your phone working or thinking about work?

Fueled by caffeine and cortisol, you power through 2 or more hours of work with no breaks to override the rising anxiety?

Groaning as you get up from your desk, you still haven't gotten around to that Yoga session you said you'd do "later"?


If any (or all) of these scenarios hit close to home, you're not alone.

These are the telltale signs of Anxiety Overdrive, a common struggle faced by many "Worn Out Women"

But there's good news!

You don't have to stay trapped in this cycle forever.


It's Time To Reclaim Your Mornings 

And Rediscover The Joy Of Starting Your Day With Purpose And Intention!

 Just Imagine What Will Be Possible For You When You...


Start each day energized, confident, and authentically magnetic instead of frantic, frazzled, and on the verge of a freak out...

Hit pause on your busy mind and overcome self care sabotage...

Keep your energy aligned to achieve your goals with ease and avoid crashing into an exhausted heap after...

Take care of YOU in a way that helps you be vibrantly healthy and happy and also supports your goals...

  Ready To Finally Break The Stop/Start Struggle Of Inconsistency? 


Searching For Personalized High Touch Support And Accountability?


Then You're Going To LOVE:


"Amplify Your Morning"

The 4 Week Energy Elevator For Purpose Driven Women!

  Go From Frantic & Frazzled To On Point And In Flow

With The Mindful Strength Method®


When You Work With Me One On One

And Get Your Personalized Plan Of Action To:


WEEK ONE: Amplify Your Morning With A Customized 15 Minute Routine Tailored To You And Your Beautiful Vision

WEEK TWO: Start Your Day Strong, Grounded, and Energized By Easily Weaving In Intentional Exercise And Yoga 

WEEK THREE: Diversify Your Options With Embodiment & Breath-Work Practices You Can Integrate Effortlessly

WEEK FOUR:  Streamline The Process, Celebrate Your Progress, And Choose A New Focus!


All It Takes Is 15 Minutes A Day 


For Achievable, Sustainable, And Most Importantly Enjoyable Lifelong Vibrant Holistic Health!


I Am All About This!

"She's Helped Me Be The Strongest Version Of Me Possible!"

"Working with Megan let me know I COULD do Yoga with ease with the right teacher. She helps you land in the poses like nothing I've experienced which gave me the confidence to keep showing up.

And because of that she's helped me be the strongest version of me possible and live from a place of confidence and trust in ME!"

~Amber P: Copywriter and creator of "Shop From HER!"~

Amplify Your Morning: 4 Week Energy Elevator!

Just $497 (Save $100)!

I've Taken Out The Guesswork So You Can Focus On Feeling Good!


Here's Everything You'll Get:

  • Easy To Do Personalized 15 Minute Morning Routine With 2 Recorded Mini Sessions Designed Just For You (Valued @$397)
  • 4 Sixty Minute One-On-One Customized Personal Training/Yoga Sessions (Valued at $597) 
  • Activate AH-mazing Alignment With A Done For You Analysis So You're Strong, Flexible, and Fit (Valued at $247) 

Plus These Incredible Bonuses:

  • Quickly Uncover And Shift Patterns Of Self Sabotage With An Eye Opening Roadblock Reveal (Priceless!)
  • Empowerment At Your Fingertips With Lifetime Access To A Library of Yoga Sessions and Mini Workouts (Valued at $247) 


Over $1500 In Value

Limited Spots Available!!


Click Here To Sign Up Now!

"I Love Having A Morning Routine That Makes Self Care My Foundation Everyday!" 

"I love having a morning routine that makes self care my foundation everyday. Being someone who struggles with pulling myself away from my business to do something for myself it created a huge shift in the way I treat myself and my work throughout the day. 

It allows me a space to connect with my mind, body and spirit and helps me be in full alignment (on every level). I LOVE how Megan weaves intention into everything, it makes it SO much more powerful"

~Erin N: Social Media Coach and Agency Owner~

Hi, I'm Megan...

The moment when I found myself exhausted, burnt out, and ready to give up saying: I CAN'T HANDLE THIS would have taken me to my knees...if I wasn't already in a crumpled heap on the floor.

My body was aching with pain, my spirit was drained.

I spent sleepless nights tossing and turning, my mind spinning in a tornado of anxiety.

My life felt like an endless cycle of overworking, overthinking, overdoing....with not much to show for it.

I felt completely out of integrity: A personal trainer that was too tired to exercise and a Yoga instructor too stressed to meditate.

I was the epitome of what I now call the "Worn Out woman": frantic, frazzled, and running on fumes.

Definitely not my ideal state!

From that moment on I committed to making myself and my health a priority and show up fully energized and authentically confident. 

Now I'm leading a movement of women who care so much about how they feel that they make time for themselves daily.

So if you're ready to do that too click the gold button below and let's go!!

I'm SO Ready To THRIVE!

Right Now You're At A Cross Roads... 


Option One:

Stick with what you've been doing, running on Anxiety Overdrive powered by caffeine and cortisol...

Hoping that one day you'll find your way out of self care overwhelm and magically piece it all together...

Running the risk of not achieving your goals, burning out, or worse.




Option Two: 

You can leverage your time by having the tools that will help you achieve vibrant health of mind, body, and spirit all at once...

Plus have the support and accountability to stick with it.

Be truly thriving and ready REALLY go for it in your life and business!


How good will it feel to know that you're prioritizing your health

....and loving every minute of it?


But pause for a moment and consider the alternative:

What if you DON'T make this shift?

How many lives WON'T get to change if you don't have a solid foundation in place?

The choice is yours.

I'm Ready To Join Now!


Stop Hitting Snooze On Your Potential!


Take charge of your day and your life with an Amplified Morning routine you love and look forward to.

Click the gold button below to say YES to yourself, your health, and your AH-mazing life!


I LOVE Feeling AH-mazing!