Be toned, flexible, and fit with fun and energizing 5 minute sessions!

The THRIVE IN FIVE SERIES will help you take care of YOU with 5 minute workout and Yoga sessions without: the frustration of trying to figure it out yourself, wasting time scrolling on YouTube, or any extra equipment! 


As a busy entrepreneur with a million and one things to do, it probably feels like there's constantly someone or something asking for your attention.


And it's not like your TO DO list ever gets any shorter either right? 

With all of this on your plate you probably find yourself spending all day on the computer and possibly:


Grunting and groaning to get out of the chair asking yourself when you turned 100

Constantly feeling frantic and frazzled like you're going in a million different directions but not getting anywhere

Sick of making excuses to yourself about why you can't seem to stick with your exercise routine...


Luckily there's a FUN and EASY solution that will make sure you're checking the most important box of all:

Taking care of YOU!

How many 😱HOURS a day do you think you spend in this position? 

You're likely ALREADY feeling the effects of working on your computer all day and they probably aren't your favorite feels are they?

The thing is: taking a break isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for making sure you can continue to show up and serve at a VERY high level....for as long as possible.

So if you've been looking for a way to stay strong, healthy, and then you're going to love the THRIVE IN FIVE SERIES!

Cardio, Core, Strength, Flexibility, Stretches and Relaxation ALL IN ONE SERIES!

By giving you all of these essential pillars for your health and vitality this innovative series will take the guess work out of exercise and make it easy for you to take care of YOU on every level: mind, body, and spirit!

Get lifetime access for just $17!

I SO need this!

Imagine having fun 5 minute workouts and Yoga sessions right at your fingertips so you can: 

Start your day or take a break anytime to energize your body, strengthen and tone all over, stretch out your tight spots, and be centered and happy.

Go from from worn out to being the PURPOSEFUL POWERHOUSE you really are in just minutes!


FUN FACT: Breaks are proven to be an excellent way to actually boost your productivity so you get more done, feel more alert and help you focus, and be a nicer human😂 because they help feel more calm and patient. Talk about AWESOME benefits!


Think of them like recess...remember how great those were? 

Turns out they weren't just to give the teachers a break 😉, but taking breaks is essential for your brain and to be able to function at it's highest level! 

Megan has so much energy that it makes it easy to enjoy the workouts!

"I love the Thrive in Five series. Since each session is only 5 minutes it’s easy to fit into my day. My favorite is the sleeping booty, because it really wakes up the glutes. Megan has so much energy that it makes it easy to enjoy the workouts!"

Melissa B: Massage Therapist

Hi, I'm Megan and I TOTALLY know what it's like to be overwhelmed and exhausted....


Going hard from the moment I woke up til the second I crashed into bed. It felt like there was WAY too much for me to do to even slow down, let alone take breaks. 

But the universe has a funny way of teaching us what we need to learn when we're choosing to ignore it's gentle suggestions.

I pushed myself to exhausted and burn out so I had no choice but to slow down and take breaks. It was a long, rough road back from there believe me.

The experience taught me a lot, including the need to make myself a priority and to learn how to have workouts that were energizing not depleting and that I could do anytime I needed a natural pick me up. 

So Yoga Breaks and mini Workouts were born and now I can't wait to share them with you in the THRIVE IN FIVE SERIES! 

Ready, set, THRIVE! 

The THRIVE IN FIVE SERIES was created with you in mind: the busy woman who wants to stay healthy and fit but doesn't have a lot of time to workout or do Yoga.

Each session in this 5 video series is just 5 minutes long and is jam packed to make the most of each second without you feeling rushed! 

PLUS: I give you the exact THRIVE IN FIVE framework to help you get the results you really want! 

Since I've been personal training and teaching Yoga for 17 years I can definitely give you a fun, fast, and super effective session!

So if you're ready to make taking care of YOU part of your day that you LOVE and look forward to (without it taking all day), then the THRIVE IN FIVE SERIES is perfect for you! 

The value of this bundle is over $247 but you can have lifetime access JUST $17!


Here's everything included:

Session #1: Full Body Workout

Get ready to energize your whole body, strengthen your core, and feel awesome after this full body workout session.

Session #2: Full Body Workout 

This session will mix things up and get you moving in all directions to keep you strong, fit, and agile! 

Session #3: Sleeping Booty Wake Up

No more sleeping booty for you after this! Strengthen your glutes, legs and core with this booty building session.

Session #4: Energizing Yoga

This fun practice will help you embody confidence, power, and balance by using standing poses to help you feel centered and grounded.

Session #5: Relaxing Yoga

Need a time out? This session is perfect for helping you de-stress and unwind tension from your neck, shoulders, and back! 

PLUS: You get lifetime unlimited access to my signature YOGA AT MY DESK program as a bonus!

Learn how to take a Yoga Break right at your desk to ease tension, focus your mind, boost inspiration, lower stress, and get a natural boost of energy! Sessions range from 2-20 minutes and also include breathing, relaxation, and meditation tools to help you feel calm, clear, and grounded. ($197 value!)

Every time I do one I feel like 100% like myself again!!

"This series has been a TOTAL game changer for me! I love the sessions to kickstart my day and anytime I need a break from the crazy busy-ness of my day. Every time I do one I feel like 100% like myself again!"

Cailin G: Social Worker and Mum of 2 Boys


Five power packed, multi level sessions to help you stay strong, healthy, and fit that you can easily sneak into your schedule whenever you've got 5 minutes!

24/7 lifetime access to: 2 full body workouts, a booty bustin' workout, an energizing Yoga session, and a relaxing Yoga session

Plus as a BONUS you get lifetime unlimited access to YOGA AT MY DESK

so you can take care of YOU without it taking all day! 

All for the special price of just $17 (valued at over $247!). Grab yours NOW!

Yes, I'm TOTALLY in!