$497.00 USD


Please make sure that you have clearance from your Doctor before beginning any new program.

As with any exercise it is important to start slowly and honor your body, I am happy to help however I cannot make any medical assessments or prescriptions.

By clicking this box you assume all responsibility for participation in this program and release Megan Nolan and Vitality Wellness Maui LLC from any and all liability now and anytime in the future.

Booty Boost

Tone and Tighten Your Tushy (& The Rest Of You Too!) With This Posture Pick Me Up!

Are you SO ready to:

🍑Strut through the summer feeling sexy, strong, and unstoppable in your body so you fully enjoy yourself and your life

🍑Carry yourself with authentically radiant and confident presence so you can show up vibrantly and take inspired action 

🍑Unleash radiant energy and focus so you show up fully in your business and still have time left over to fully enjoy your life


Here's What This 90 Minute Power Session Includes: 

🦚Tailored Alignment Analysis (Valued @$247):

Achieve the vibrant health of your dreams as we uncover the areas of your body that need balance and attention. Your comprehensive alignment analysis will identify specific exercises, stretches, and lifestyle adjustments that will optimize your strength and flexibility.

🦚Customized 30 Minute Session (Valued @$197):

Experience a session designed uniquely for you using what we uncover in the analysis and with the goals you set! Expertly weaving together toning exercises, tension relieving stretches, and empowerment tools this will give you the tools to be the strongest, most flexible, and fit YOU!

*The session will be recorded for you to use and keep.

🦚Posture Power Plan (Valued @$97)

Create a clear plan of action to follow to transform your entire body to help you be strong, flexible, and fit. 


Plus You Get These AH-mazing Bonuses:

🦚4 Weeks Of Accountability Checkins

No more broken promises to yourself since I'll be checking in with you weekly to help you stick to your plan so and achieve your goals

🦚Amplify Your Morning Routine Starter Kit (Valued @$27)

Start your day on purpose with a morning routine you love, including a roadmap, guided meditation, mini workout and yoga sessions, and more!


Valued At Well Over $497

But You'll Save $300 Today When You Sign Up Using The Green Button Below!

What People Are Saying:

"Megan helped me to get crystal clear on exactly how to take care of myself and my energy so I can show up fully in my business. Everything I learned and am now applying is helping me to stay focused and be totally in alignment with my goals. Plus I love how energizing my session is, I feel like a superhero after, totally ready to handle anything!

Sydney: Embodiment & Empowerment Mentor